Software to read out DS18B20 sensor values over onewire on Raspberry Pi.
This software is licenced under GPLv3 by UnravelTEC OG (, 2019.
You might need to run the following commands as root e.g. by typing sudo
before running a specific command.
add dtoverlay=w1-gpio,gpiopin=4
to /boot/config.txt
Note: Standard pin is 4 - argument may be omitted then.
- DS18B20: Signal -> Pi: pin 4 (or else) - and add a pullup resistor (e.g. 10K) between this pin and 3v3, or else it wont work!
- DS18B20: VIN -> Pi: 3.3V (or any other gpio configured output,HIGH)
- DS18B20: GND -> Pi: GND (use one of GND pinouts)
Two different drivers:
- the (newer) python service publishes sensor data to local mqtt broker under the topic $hostname/sensors/DS18B20/temperature
- the (older) shellscript service writes a file
and updates it every second (which resides in RAM) - it is meant to be read out by prometheus.