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emilysteiner71 edited this page Oct 31, 2023 · 2 revisions



Drive the F1tenth car through a track layout, while avoiding the track walls. Extra reward for overtaking opponent vehicles.


Track environment, bordered by track walls. One other vehicle driving in competition.

Action Space

Linear and Angular Velocity

action = [lin_vel, ang_vel]

Observation Space

Component Details
Odometry x position, y position, w quaternion, x quaternion, y quaternion, z quaternion, linear velocity, angular velocity
Goal Position x position, y position
state = [x_pos, y_pos, w_quat, x_quat, y_quat, z_quat, lin_vel, ang_vel, goal_x, goal_y]


Component Details
Proportional Progress toward Goal 10 * (distance before step - distance after step) / distance before step
Reached Goal +100
Collided with a wall or flipped over -25
Overtaken opponent 200

Termination Condition

When the F1tenth is within COLLISION_RANGE distance of something as detected by lidar. Default COLLISION_RANGE is 0.2m

Truncation Condition

The maximum episode length is MAX_STEPS steps. Default MAX_STEPS is 50. Each step by default is 0.25 seconds simulation time

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