This repository houses the opportunity rover control code.
Follow the installation instructions for the CARES General Library
Install additional python dependencies
cd opportunity_code
pip install -r requirements.txt
This repository uses an Xbox One Controller and Realsense Camera
To run the entire project
# From project root
To test components run their respective scripts
# Test wheels
# Test Mast
# Test Robotic Arm
# Test whether servos can be controlled from background thread
# Test whether multiple threads can control the same servos
# Test face tracking => mast following, face replacement
# Test Stationary (Display) Mode
All scripts use the Xbox One Controller to operate the Rover
There are 4 Operating Modes. These are Emergency Stop, Stationary Mode, Drive Mode, and Robotic Arm Mode
To change between modes, you use the x, y, a, and b buttons. You will hear audio feedback when changing modes.
To check what mode you are currently in, press down the right analog.
Sends stop commands to all components of the rover. This is the default mode when running any script
This mode is a display mode. When this mode is active, the robotic arm will maneuver to set positions at a fixed interval. In addition, the face tracking will be operational. This is when the camera turns on, and does face replacement on participants in the frame. The mast will attempt to follow the person in front of it.
This mode allows the user to manually drive the rover. The right and left triggers are used to drive forward and backward respectively. And the left analoge stick is used to turn. Use the right and left bumper to rotate the mast, and the right stick (up and down) to tilt the mast.
Robotic Arm mode controls the robotic arm at the front of the rover. The dpad is used to move the arm. The triggers are used to rotate the camera at the end of the arm.
What do I do if some components don't work?
Ensure that all the torques are enabled for the servos in dynamixel
The arm suddenly stops working?
There is a chance that the servos may have been overloaded. Reboot the servos.