This is the Matlab version of The large scale urban consumption of energy (LUCY) model as presented in Lindberg et al. (2013) and originally presented in Allen et al. (2011). Data is included and should not be uploaded via the Github webpage due to size. Use command line or Github Desktop
This model is relesed under the GNU GPL 3 license.
Lindberg, F., Grimmond, C., Yogeswaran, N., Kotthaus, S. and Allen, L. (2013) Impact of city changes and weather on anthropogenic heat flux in Europe 1995–2015. Urban Climate 4, 1-15.
Allen, L., Lindberg, F. and Grimmond, C. (2011) Global to city scale urban anthropogenic heat flux: model and variability. International Journal of Climatology 31:13, 1990-2005.