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Releases: Urban-Meteorology-Reading/SUEWS

2020a Release

15 May 10:10
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Version 2020a (Released on 14 May 2020)

In a future release, we will ONLY deliver SUEWS along with
SuPy as a command line tool
suews-run: release of standalone SUEWS binaries will be stopped
to ease our maintenance load and to facilitate rapid developments. Users
will need to have Python 3.6+ to install SuPy:

python3 -m pip install -U supy

However, as the source code of SUEWS are public, users can feel free to
compile standalone binaries for platforms of their own interests.

  • Improvement

    1. A ponding water scheme is added in the automatic irrigation
      calculation; useful when a certain depth of ponding water to
      maintain in irrigation (e.g., flooding irrigation in rice
    2. Irrigation fraction can be specified for all surfaces
      (previously only available for vegetated surfaces)
    3. A U-shape approach for calculating HDD/CDD is introduced to
      account for a wide comfort zone between heating and cooling
      critical temperatures.
  • Changes

    1. A new [RoughLenHeatMethod]{.title-ref} option `5`: adaptively
      choose option [1]{.title-ref} for fully pervious surface or
      [2]{.title-ref} otherwise (if any impervious surface exists).
    2. A new column [H_maintain]{.title-ref} is added in
      [SUEWS_Irrigation.txt]{.title-ref} to set ponding water depth.
    3. New columns to specify irrigation fractions for non-vegetated
      surfaces in [SUEWS_SiteSelect.txt]{.title-ref}.
    4. A new scheme option
      [BaseTMethod]{.title-ref} in [RunControl.nml]{.title-ref} to set
      calculation scheme for HDD/CDD.
  • Fix


  • Known issues

    1. Wind direction is not currently downscaled so non -999 values
      will cause an error.

2019a Release

15 Nov 23:47
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Version 2019a (released on 15 November 2019)

  • Improvement

    1. An anthropogenic emission module is added. Module details refer to Järvi et al. (2019) [J19]_.

    2. A canyon profile module <Wind, Temperature and Humidity Profiles in the Roughness Sublayer>_ is added. Module details refer to Theeuwes et al. (2019) [T19]_.

  • Changes

    1. Input file SUEWS_AnthropogenicHeat.txt is renamed to SUEWS_AnthropogenicEmission.txt with new parameters added: MinFCMetab, MaxFCMetab, FrPDDwe, FcEF_v_kgkmWD and FcEF_v_kgkmWE.
    2. BLUEWS has been recovered; set CBLUse to use it.
    3. Removed features:
    • SOLWEIG: fully removed from code.
    • netCDF: fully removed as this is very infrequently used;
      users who need this are suggested to use SuPy
      with help from pandas and xarray to save results in netCDF more elegantly.
  • Fix

    1. Fixed a bug in LAI calculation for longterm runs.
    2. Fixed a bug in net all-wave radiation differential calculation for OHM.
    3. Fixed a bug in GDD/SDD calculation that different vegetative land covers could unexpectedly affect each other.
    4. Fixed water redistribution bug in snow module.
  • Known issues

    1. Wind direction is not currently downscaled so non -999 values will cause an error.

2018c Release

03 Jul 15:29
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Version 2018c (released on 21 February 2019)

  • Improvement

    1. SuPy (SUEWS in Python): a Python-enhanced wrapper of SUEWS, which can facilitate a more fluent workflow of SUEWS-centred urban climate research. More details refer to SuPy documentation site.
    2. Improved benchmark report: More testing sites are added thanks to an automated benchmark report system.
  • Changes


  • Fix

    1. Fixed a bug in LAI calculation for longterm runs.
    2. Fixed a bug in net all-wave radiation differential calculation for OHM.
    3. Fixed water redistribution bug in snow module.
  • Known issues

    1. BLUEWS is disabled
    2. Observed soil moisture can not be used as an input
    3. Wind direction is not currently downscaled so non -999 values will cause an error.

2018b Release

21 Feb 08:54
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  • Improvement

    1. Improved calculation of OHM-related radiation terms
  • Changes


  • Fix

    1. Fixed a bug in picking up external water use from meteorological forcing file.