Definition page for a slang dictionary website, which displays one or more definitions for a given slang word, as well as an activity chart that displays the page’s usage activity for each month.
Displays and serves files for activityProxy or in your browser go to http://localhost:8002 to see the single component
npm run server:dev
npm run react:dev
- npm v6.12.0
- Node v12.6.0
- MySQL v8.0.17
- babel-cli (npm global) v6.26.0
- eslint (npm global) v6.5.1
- nodemon (npm global) v1.19.3
- webpack (npm global) v4.41.0
Files: .eslintignore and .eslintrc.json are included if using eslint and prettier extension for vscode File: babel.config.js is included for using babel File: jest.config.js is included for using jest and enzyme File: webpack.config.js is included for using webpack File: ./.circleci/config.yml is included for circleci File: ./.vscode/settings.json is included for eslint and prettier extension for vscode File: package.json is included for installing dependencies
From within the root directory:
npm i
npm i -g [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
npm run seed:db