Definition page for a slang dictionary website, which displays one or more definitions for a given slang word, as well as an activity chart that displays the page’s usage activity for each month.
Displays all services in the project, in your browser go to http://localhost:8000 after installing dependencies and running:
npm run server:dev
npm run react:dev
- npm v6.12.0
- Node v12.6.0
- MySQL v8.0.17
- babel-cli (npm global) v6.26.0
- eslint (npm global) v6.5.1
- nodemon (npm global) v1.19.3
- webpack (npm global) v4.41.0
Files: .eslintignore and .eslintrc.json are included if using eslint and prettier extension for vscode File: babel.config.js is included for using babel File: jest.config.js is included for using jest and enzyme File: webpack.config.js is included for using webpack File: ./.circleci/config.yml is included for circleci File: ./.vscode/settings.json is included for eslint and prettier extension for vscode File: package.json is included for installing dependencies
From within the root directory:
npm i
npm i -g [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
npm run seed:db