This repository containts a collection of benchmark problems for constraint-coupled distributed model predictive control. The benchmark problems have the following structure:
and convex individual constraints
The objective of the individual MPC problems is to track a given reference trajectory over the prediction horizon while also minimizing the control inputs and the terminal state violation, i.e.,
The number and size of the subproblems were varied as follows:
The data is stored in Julia's .jld2 file format. An example how to read a benchmark file and how to build the MPC problem of a single subsystem is given in example_julia.jl:
## Load module
## Specify benchmark parametes
Ns = 10 # Number of subsystems
nx = 2 # Number of states
nu = 2 # Number of control inputs
nr = 2 # Number of shared resources
Np = 10 # Prediction horizon
Run = 1 # Problem instance
## Read data
Data =,nx,nu,nr,Np,Run)
## Build model of system 1 using JuMP
# Specify data
A = Data["System 1"]["A"] # Dynamics matrix
B = Data["System 1"]["B"] # Input matrix
Hx = Data["System 1"]["Hx"] # State objective function weight
Hu = Data["System 1"]["Hu"] # Input obctive function weight
Gx = Data["System 1"]["Gx"] # State constraint matrix
p_x = Data["System 1"]["p_x"] # State constraint right-hand side
Gu = Data["System 1"]["Gu"] # Input constraint matrix
p_u = Data["System 1"]["p_u"] # Input constraint right-hand side
x_ref = Data["System 1"]["x_ref"] # State reference trajectory
x0 = Data["System 1"]["x0"] # State initial condition
R = Data["System 1"]["R"] # Resource utilization matrix
# Create empty model (optimizer needs to be attached)
using JuMP
m = JuMP.Model()
# Define variables
@variable(m, x[1:nx,1:Np])
@variable(m, u[1:nu,1:Np-1])
@variable(m, Resources[1:nr*(Np-1)])
# Define Objective Function
@objective(m, Min,
# Terminal cost
(x[:,Np]-x_ref[:,Np])'Hx*(x[:,Np]-x_ref[:,Np]) +
# Reference Tracking
∑((x[:,k]-x_ref[:,k])'Hx*(x[:,k]-x_ref[:,k]) + u[:,k]'*Hu*u[:,k] for k = 1:Np-1))
# Dynamics
for k = 1:Np-1
@constraint(m,x[:,k+1] .== A*x[:,k+1] + B*u[:,k])
# Convex Constraints (number of constraints = number of states)
for c = 1:nx
# States
for k = 1:Np
@constraint(m, x[:,k]'*Gx[c]*x[:,k] ≤ p_x[c]^2)
# Inputs
for k = 1:Np-1
@constraint(m,u[:,k]'*Gu[c]*u[:,k] ≤ p_u[c]^2)
# Resources
global counter = 1
for j = 1:nr, k = 1:Np-1
@constraint(m,Resources[counter] == R[j,:]'*u[:,k])
global counter += 1