I took a challenge upon myself to fast pace my Deep Learning skills using the python data stack. I will take on a real life practical challenge everyday and try to solve it using Deep Learning (Starting from the basics)
Text classification using Multi Layered Perceptron and comparing with NN's
- Use learning rate decay
- Batch normalization
- More number of epochs
Text classification using TFIDF feature matrix and MLP
- Use LRD, Batch Normalisation
- Use Dropout
- Further process the TFIDF matrix using TruncatedSVD
Text classification using word2vec and MLP
- Use LRD, Batch Normalisation, Dropout
- Tweaking word2vec hyperparams
Text classification using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Use LRD, Batch Normalisation, Dropout
- Try a multi-layer Convolutional Network
Text classification using Recurrent Neural Networks
- Use LRD, Batch Normalisation, Dropout
- Use a combination of CNN and RNN