Introducing advanced features to enhance user experience and productivity.
NLP Chat Bot:
- Implemented for kisaans to solve queries using Naive Bayes classification.
Voice Search:
- Enable voice search capabilities in the product section for easier navigation.
Analytical Kisaan's Dashboard:
- View current weather data and access advanced analytics of sales in the marketplace.
Email on Successful Order:
- Automatically send email notifications on successful order placements.
Comments and Reviews in Blogs and Product Section:
- Allow users to add comments and reviews, visible to all users, including profile image and name of the reviewer.
Seamless Sharing via WhatsApp and Facebook:
- Share products and blogs with ease using WhatsApp and Facebook.
Secure Authentication and Authorization:
- Implement separate authentication and authorization mechanisms for sellers, officers, and kisaans, ensuring each user type has access only to their designated routes and functionalities.
Inventory Management:
- Kisaans can store grains in their inventory.
- Kisaans can sell their crops in the marketplace.
- Crop rates are set by officers from the officer route.
Product Section:
- Buy commodities sent by the seller route.
- Filter products by product name, price, and company name.
- Cashless payment feature using Stripe payment gateway (only cards).
- Add images of products.
Blog Page:
- View live blogs shared by officers.
- Add comments on blogs visible to all users.
Request Form:
- Kisaans can send balance money requests to officers after verification.
CRUD Operations:
- All products and blogs dynamically managed with CRUD operations.
- Utilization of Cloudinary to manage media, reducing load on the local system.