This project aims to classify buildings into five distinct categories (A, B, C, D, and S) using a combination of Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques. We have utilized traditional ML classifiers (SVM, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, XGBoost) alongside a Neural Network model to achieve robust classification. The project also involves feature extraction, PCA dimensionality reduction, and ensemble techniques to enhance performance.
- Project Overview
- Dataset
- Approach
- Installation
- Usage
- Results
- Observations and Findings
- Future Work
- Contributions
- License
The dataset contains grayscale images of various buildings belonging to five categories (A, B, C, D, S). Each image has a size of (300, 400), with a total of 2466 images for training and testing. The dataset is split into training and test sets with the following distribution:
- A: 289 images
- B: 352 images
- C: 721 images
- D: 904 images
- S: 200 images
Our approach includes the following key steps:
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Initial analysis of the dataset, class distribution, and image properties.
- Feature Extraction: Extracting features from images using pre-trained efficientNet model.
- Dimensionality Reduction: Applying PCA to reduce feature dimensions while retaining 95% variance.
- Model Training: Training classifiers including SVM, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, XGBoost, and a Neural Network.
- Model Ensembling: Combining the best models using soft voting for improved accuracy.
- Evaluation: Using a test set for final performance evaluation, including confusion matrices and classification reports.
To run this project locally, follow the steps below:
git clone
cd building-classification
Use the provided requirements.txt file to install all necessary packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can find the dataset here:
You can view the complete analysis and training process in the provided Jupyter notebook:
jupyter notebook building-classification.ipynb
The models are trained using PCA-reduced features. You can modify hyperparameters in the notebook or directly run the cells to train the models.
To predict the category of a building image, use the pre-trained models: (as shown at the end of the notebook)
# Load the voting classifier and predict on new images
predicted_label, individual_predictions = predict_image(image_path, pca, classifiers, transforms, device)
print(f"Predicted label: {predicted_label}")
Evaluate the ensemble model using:
print(classification_report(y_test, predictions))
print(confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions))
(more results and visualizations are inside 'results' folder) Our ensemble model achieved X% accuracy on the test dataset, with a detailed classification report provided below. The confusion matrix highlights the model's performance across all categories.
- EfficientNet was the most suitable model for our small dataset, particularly with data augmentation and advanced loss functions.
- Handling Imbalanced Data: Using Focal Loss and stratified sampling was crucial for dealing with imbalanced classes.
- PCA allowed us to uncover the non-linear structure of the data, leading to significant performance improvements with non-linear classifiers.
- Hyperparameter Tuning: Further tuning of the Neural Network and other models could yield even better results.
- Deploying the Model: Building a web application or API to serve the trained models for real-time predictions.
Feel free to open issues or pull requests to contribute to the project. All contributions are welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT License.