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Merge pull request #22 from pmbittner/2ADT-to-NADT-to-CCC
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Compile 2ADT to NADT and NADT to CCC
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pmbittner authored Mar 18, 2024
2 parents 5d7aa51 + cf6edea commit 019e675
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Showing 4 changed files with 205 additions and 55 deletions.
20 changes: 6 additions & 14 deletions src/Lang/
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Expand Up @@ -142,17 +142,8 @@ module Encode where
; from = λ _ → tt
Unfortunately, I had to flag this function as terminating.
One solution to prove its termination is to use a sized variant (instead of using ∞).
The problem is that the semantics ⟦_⟧ forgets the size and sets it to ∞ and hence,
the types of ⟦ encode v ⟧ c and v are different and hence their values can never be equivalent regarding ≡.
The function below indeed terminates but proving it within our framework became a _technical_ challenge (not a mathematical one) for which I found no solution yet.
ccc-encode-idemp : ∀ {A} (v : Rose ∞ A) → (c : Configuration) → ⟦ encode v ⟧ c ≡ v
ccc-encode-idemp v@(rose (a At.-< cs >-)) c =
ccc-encode-idemp {A} v@(rose (a At.-< cs >-)) c =
⟦ encode v ⟧ c
Expand All @@ -161,12 +152,13 @@ module Encode where
Eq.cong (a At.-<_>-) (map-∘ cs) ⟩
rose (a At.-< map (λ x → ⟦ encode x ⟧ c) cs >-)
≡⟨ Eq.cong rose $
Eq.cong (a At.-<_>-) (map-cong (λ x → ccc-encode-idemp x c) cs) ⟩
rose (a At.-< map id cs >-)
≡⟨ Eq.cong rose $
Eq.cong (a At.-<_>-) (map-id cs) ⟩
Eq.cong (a At.-<_>-) (go cs) ⟩
go : (cs' : List (Rose ∞ A)) → map (λ c' → ⟦ encode c' ⟧ c) cs' ≡ cs'
go [] = refl
go (c' ∷ cs') = Eq.cong₂ _∷_ (ccc-encode-idemp c' c) (go cs')
preserves : ∀ {A} → (v : Rose ∞ A)
→ Semantics (Variant-is-VL V) v ≅[ to confs ][ from confs ] ⟦ encode v ⟧
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Lang/NADT.agda
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

open import Framework.Definitions
-- TODO: Generalize level of F
module Lang.NADT (F : 𝔽) (V : 𝕍) where
module Lang.NADT (V : 𝕍) (F : 𝔽) where

open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
open import Function using (id)
Expand All @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ open import Construct.GrulerArtifacts
open import Construct.Choices

data NADT : Size 𝔼 where
NADTAsset : {i A} Leaf (V A) NADT i A
NADTAsset : {i A} Leaf (V A) NADT (↑ i) A
NADTChoice : {i A} VLChoice.Syntax F (NADT i) A NADT (↑ i) A

Expand Down
155 changes: 116 additions & 39 deletions src/Translation/Lang/2ADT-to-NADT.agda
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@@ -1,57 +1,134 @@
{-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}

open import Framework.Definitions
module Translation.Lang.2ADT-to-NADT {F : 𝔽} {A : 𝔸} where

open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
open import Framework.Construct using (_∈ₛ_; cons)
open import Construct.Artifact as At using () renaming (Syntax to Artifact; _-<_>- to artifact-constructor)

module Translation.Lang.2ADT-to-NADT (Variant : Set Set) (Artifact∈ₛVariant : Artifact ∈ₛ Variant) where

open import Data.Bool using (if_then_else_; true; false)
import Data.Bool.Properties as Bool
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.NonEmpty using (_∷_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product using () renaming (_,_ to _and_)
open import Level using (0ℓ)
open import Size using (Size; ∞; ↑_)
open import Size using (Size; ∞)

import Util.List as List
open import Framework.Relation.Function using (from; to)
open import Framework.Compiler using (LanguageCompiler)
open import Framework.Relation.Expressiveness Variant using (expressiveness-from-compiler; _≽_)

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; refl)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning

import Data.IndexedSet
import Data.EqIndexedSet as IndexedSet
open IndexedSet using (_≅[_][_]_; _⊆[_]_; ≅[]-sym)

open import Construct.Choices
open import Construct.GrulerArtifacts as GL using ()
open import Construct.NestedChoice using (value; choice)

open import Framework.Variants using (GrulerVariant)
open import Lang.2ADT
open import Lang.NADT
open import Construct.GrulerArtifacts using (leaf)

import Lang.2ADT
module 2ADT where
module 2ADT-Sem-1 F = Lang.2ADT F Variant
open 2ADT-Sem-1 using (2ADT; 2ADTL; Configuration) public
module 2ADT-Sem-2 {F} = Lang.2ADT F Variant
open 2ADT-Sem-2 using (⟦_⟧) public
open 2ADT using (2ADT; 2ADTL)

import Translation.Construct.2Choice-to-Choice {F} as 2Choice-to-Choice
import Lang.CCC
module CCC where
open Lang.CCC public
module CCC-Sem-1 F = Lang.CCC.Sem F Variant Artifact∈ₛVariant
open CCC-Sem-1 using (CCCL) public
module CCC-Sem-2 {F} = Lang.CCC.Sem F Variant Artifact∈ₛVariant
open CCC-Sem-2 using (⟦_⟧) public
open CCC using (CCC; CCCL; _-<_>-; _⟨_⟩)

import Lang.NADT
module NADT where
open Lang.NADT Variant using (NADT; NADTAsset; NADTChoice) renaming (NADTVL to NADTL) public
module NADT-Sem {F} = Lang.NADT Variant F
open NADT-Sem using () renaming (semantics to ⟦_⟧) public -- TODO
open NADT using (NADT; NADTAsset; NADTChoice; NADTL)

import Translation.Construct.2Choice-to-Choice as 2Choice-to-Choice
open 2Choice-to-Choice.Translate using (convert)

-- TODO: Fix termination checking and also get rid of complicated constructor stuff.
compile : {V : 𝕍} 2ADT F V A NADT F V ∞ A
compile (leaf a) = NADTAsset (GL.leaf a)
compile {V} (D ⟨ l , r ⟩) = NADTChoice ( compile (convert (Eq.setoid (2ADT F V A)) (D 2Choice.⟨ l , r ⟩)))

module Preservation where
-- open Data.IndexedSet (VariantSetoid GrulerVariant A) using () renaming (_≅_ to _≋_)

-- TODO: Prove Preservation of compile
-- open 2Choice-to-Choice.Translate.Preservation 2ADTVL NADTVL compile conf' fnoc' using (preserves-conf; preserves-fnoc)

-- preserves-l : (e : 2ADT A) Conf-Preserves 2ADTVL NADTVL e (compile e) conf'
-- preserves-l (value _) _ = refl
-- preserves-l (choice (D ⟨ l , r ⟩)) c =
-- begin
-- ⟦ choice (D ⟨ l , r ⟩) ⟧-2adt c
-- ≡⟨⟩
-- BinaryChoice-Semantics 2ADTVL (D ⟨ l , r ⟩) c
-- ≡⟨ preserves-conf D l r (default-conf-satisfies-spec D) (preserves-l l) (preserves-l r) c ⟩
-- Choice-Semantics NADTVL (convert (D ⟨ l , r ⟩)) (conf' c)
-- ≡⟨⟩
-- ⟦ compile (choice (D ⟨ l , r ⟩)) ⟧-nadt (conf' c)
-- ∎

-- preserves-r : (e : 2ADT A) Fnoc-Preserves 2ADTVL NADTVL e (compile e) fnoc'
-- preserves-r (value _) _ = refl
-- preserves-r (choice (D ⟨ l , r ⟩)) c = preserves-fnoc D l r (default-fnoc-satisfies-spec D) (preserves-r l) (preserves-r r) c

-- preserves : (e : 2ADT A) ⟦ e ⟧-2adt ≋ ⟦ compile e ⟧-nadt
-- preserves e = ⊆-by-index-translation conf' (preserves-l e)
-- and ⊆-by-index-translation fnoc' (preserves-r e)
artifact : {A : 𝔸} A List (Variant A) Variant A
artifact a cs = cons Artifact∈ₛVariant (artifact-constructor a cs)

translate : {F : 𝔽} {A : 𝔸} 2ADT F A NADT F ∞ A
translate (2ADT.leaf a) = NADTAsset (leaf a)
translate {F = F} {A = A} (f 2ADT.⟨ l , r ⟩) = NADTChoice (f Choice.⟨ translate l ∷ translate r ∷ [] ⟩)

conf : {F : 𝔽} 2ADT.Configuration F CCC.Configuration F
conf config f with config f
... | true = 0
... | false = 1

fnoc : {F : 𝔽} CCC.Configuration F 2ADT.Configuration F
fnoc config f with config f
... | zero = true
... | suc _ = false

preserves-⊆ : {F : 𝔽} {A : 𝔸} (expr : 2ADT F A) NADT.⟦ translate expr ⟧ ⊆[ fnoc ] 2ADT.⟦ expr ⟧
preserves-⊆ (2ADT.leaf v) config = refl
preserves-⊆ (f 2ADT.⟨ l , r ⟩) config =
NADT.⟦ NADTChoice (f Choice.⟨ translate l ∷ translate r ∷ [] ⟩) ⟧ config
NADT.⟦ List.find-or-last (config f) (translate l ∷ translate r ∷ []) ⟧ config
≡⟨ Eq.cong₂ NADT.⟦_⟧ lemma refl ⟩
NADT.⟦ if fnoc config f then translate l else translate r ⟧ config
≡⟨ Bool.push-function-into-if (λ e NADT.⟦ e ⟧ config) (fnoc config f) ⟩
(if fnoc config f then NADT.⟦ translate l ⟧ config else NADT.⟦ translate r ⟧ config)
≡⟨ Eq.cong₂ (if fnoc config f then_else_) (preserves-⊆ l config) (preserves-⊆ r config) ⟩
(if fnoc config f then 2ADT.⟦ l ⟧ (fnoc config) else 2ADT.⟦ r ⟧ (fnoc config))
2ADT.⟦ f Lang.2ADT.⟨ l , r ⟩ ⟧ (fnoc config)
lemma : List.find-or-last (config f) (translate l ∷ translate r ∷ []) ≡ (if fnoc config f then translate l else translate r)
lemma with config f
... | zero = refl
... | suc _ = refl

preserves-⊇ : {F : 𝔽} {A : 𝔸} (expr : 2ADT F A) 2ADT.⟦ expr ⟧ ⊆[ conf ] NADT.⟦ translate expr ⟧
preserves-⊇ (2ADT.leaf v) config = refl
preserves-⊇ (f 2ADT.⟨ l , r ⟩) config =
2ADT.⟦ f Lang.2ADT.⟨ l , r ⟩ ⟧ config
(if config f then 2ADT.⟦ l ⟧ config else 2ADT.⟦ r ⟧ config)
≡⟨ Eq.cong₂ (if config f then_else_) (preserves-⊇ l config) (preserves-⊇ r config) ⟩
(if config f then NADT.⟦ translate l ⟧ (conf config) else NADT.⟦ translate r ⟧ (conf config))
≡˘⟨ Bool.push-function-into-if (λ e NADT.⟦ e ⟧ (conf config)) (config f) ⟩
NADT.⟦ if config f then translate l else translate r ⟧ (conf config)
≡⟨ Eq.cong₂ NADT.⟦_⟧ lemma refl ⟩
NADT.⟦ List.find-or-last (conf config f) (translate l ∷ translate r ∷ []) ⟧ (conf config)
NADT.⟦ NADTChoice (f Choice.⟨ translate l ∷ translate r ∷ [] ⟩) ⟧ (conf config)
lemma : (if config f then translate l else translate r) ≡ List.find-or-last (conf config f) (translate l ∷ translate r ∷ [])
lemma with config f
... | true = refl
... | false = refl

preserves : {F : 𝔽} {A : 𝔸} (expr : 2ADT F A) NADT.⟦ translate expr ⟧ ≅[ fnoc ][ conf ] 2ADT.⟦ expr ⟧
preserves expr = preserves-⊆ expr and preserves-⊇ expr

2ADT→NADT : {i : Size} {F : 𝔽} LanguageCompiler (2ADTL F) (NADTL F)
2ADT→NADT .LanguageCompiler.compile = translate
2ADT→NADT .LanguageCompiler.config-compiler expr .to = conf
2ADT→NADT .LanguageCompiler.config-compiler expr .from = fnoc
2ADT→NADT .LanguageCompiler.preserves expr = ≅[]-sym (preserves expr)

NADT≽2ADT = expressiveness-from-compiler 2ADT→NADT
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions src/Translation/Lang/NADT-to-CCC.agda
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@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
{-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}

open import Framework.Construct using (_∈ₛ_)
open import Construct.Artifact using () renaming (Syntax to Artifact)

module Translation.Lang.NADT-to-CCC (Variant : Set Set) (Artifact∈ₛVariant : Artifact ∈ₛ Variant) where

open import Construct.Choices
open import Construct.GrulerArtifacts using (leaf)
import Data.EqIndexedSet as IndexedSet
import Data.List.NonEmpty as List⁺
open import Data.Product using (proj₂)
open import Framework.Compiler using (LanguageCompiler)
open import Framework.Definitions
open import Framework.Relation.Expressiveness Variant using (expressiveness-from-compiler; _≽_)
open import Framework.Relation.Function using (from; to)
open import Framework.Variants using (VariantEncoder)
open import Function using (id)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (refl; _≗_)
open import Size using (Size; ∞)
import Util.List as List

open Eq.≡-Reasoning using (step-≡; step-≡˘; _≡⟨⟩_; _∎)
open IndexedSet using (_≅[_][_]_; ≅[]-sym; ≗→≅[])

import Lang.NADT
module NADT where
open Lang.NADT Variant using (NADT; NADTAsset; NADTChoice) renaming (NADTVL to NADTL) public
module NADT-Sem {F} = Lang.NADT Variant F
open NADT-Sem using () renaming (semantics to ⟦_⟧) public -- TODO
open NADT using (NADT; NADTAsset; NADTChoice; NADTL)

import Lang.CCC
module CCC where
open Lang.CCC public
module CCC-Sem-1 F = Lang.CCC.Sem F Variant Artifact∈ₛVariant
open CCC-Sem-1 using (CCCL) public
module CCC-Sem-2 {F} = Lang.CCC.Sem F Variant Artifact∈ₛVariant
open CCC-Sem-2 using (⟦_⟧) public
open CCC using (CCC; CCCL; _-<_>-; _⟨_⟩)

translate : {i : Size} {F : 𝔽} {A : 𝔸} VariantEncoder Variant (CCCL F) NADT F i A CCC F ∞ A
translate Variant→CCC (NADTAsset (leaf v)) = LanguageCompiler.compile Variant→CCC v
translate Variant→CCC (NADTChoice (f Choice.⟨ alternatives ⟩)) = f CCC.⟨ List⁺.map (translate Variant→CCC) alternatives ⟩

preserves-≗ : {i : Size} {F : 𝔽} {A : 𝔸} (Variant→CCC : VariantEncoder Variant (CCCL F)) (expr : NADT F i A) CCC.⟦ translate Variant→CCC expr ⟧ ≗ NADT.⟦ expr ⟧
preserves-≗ {A = A} Variant→CCC (NADTAsset (leaf v)) config =
CCC.⟦ translate Variant→CCC (NADTAsset (leaf v)) ⟧ config
CCC.⟦ LanguageCompiler.compile Variant→CCC v ⟧ config
≡⟨ proj₂ (LanguageCompiler.preserves Variant→CCC v) config ⟩
NADT.⟦ NADTAsset (leaf v) ⟧ config
preserves-≗ Variant→CCC (NADTChoice (f Choice.⟨ alternatives ⟩)) config =
CCC.⟦ translate Variant→CCC (NADTChoice (f Choice.⟨ alternatives ⟩)) ⟧ config
CCC.⟦ f ⟨ List⁺.map (translate Variant→CCC) alternatives ⟩ ⟧ config
CCC.⟦ List.find-or-last (config f) (List⁺.map (translate Variant→CCC) alternatives) ⟧ config
≡˘⟨ Eq.cong₂ CCC.⟦_⟧ ( (translate Variant→CCC) (config f) alternatives) refl ⟩
CCC.⟦ translate Variant→CCC (List.find-or-last (config f) alternatives) ⟧ config
≡⟨ preserves-≗ Variant→CCC (List.find-or-last (config f) alternatives) config ⟩
NADT.⟦ List.find-or-last (config f) alternatives ⟧ config
NADT.⟦ NADTChoice (f Choice.⟨ alternatives ⟩) ⟧ config

preserves : {i : Size} {F : 𝔽} {A : 𝔸} (Variant→CCC : VariantEncoder Variant (CCCL F)) (expr : NADT F i A) CCC.⟦ translate Variant→CCC expr ⟧ ≅[ id ][ id ] NADT.⟦ expr ⟧
preserves Variant→CCC expr = ≗→≅[] (preserves-≗ Variant→CCC expr)

NADT→CCC : {i : Size} {F : 𝔽} VariantEncoder Variant (CCCL F) LanguageCompiler (NADTL F) (CCCL F)
NADT→CCC Variant→CCC .LanguageCompiler.compile = translate Variant→CCC
NADT→CCC Variant→CCC .LanguageCompiler.config-compiler expr .to = id
NADT→CCC Variant→CCC .LanguageCompiler.config-compiler expr .from = id
NADT→CCC Variant→CCC .LanguageCompiler.preserves expr = ≅[]-sym (preserves Variant→CCC expr)

CCC≽NADT : {F : 𝔽} VariantEncoder Variant (CCCL F) CCCL F ≽ NADTL F
CCC≽NADT Variant→CCC = expressiveness-from-compiler (NADT→CCC Variant→CCC)

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