This is backend project on NodeJs and ExpressJs with NoSQL database
This project is developed using Node.js and Express, utilizing a NoSQL database (MongoDB). It is designed for the famous stall 'Tea Club' to manage their database effectively. The application provides several APIs to facilitate the retrieval and storage of data, ensuring smooth operations for managing orders, inventory, and customer information. This backend service enables 'Tea Club' to streamline their data handling processes and improve overall efficiency.
- CRUD operations for a Tea-club
- User authentication
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing data
- Express: Web framework for Node.js
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment
- Mongoose: ODM for MongoDB and Node.js
You can fork this project by downloading zip folder or you can go for cloning the repo
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the directory:
cd Teaclub-backend
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Create a .env file in the root of your project and add the following:
MONGO_URI=your-mongodb-uri PORT=your-port
- Start the development server
npm start
2.The server will run on the specified port. You can access it at http://localhost:9000
Owner Routes
- POST /api/OwnerModel: Adds a new owner
Registration Routes
- POST /api/RegisterModel: Adds a new registration to the application
Login Routes
- POST /api/LoginModel: Adds a new login to the database
- GET /api/LoginModel: Fetches all the login information
Item Routes
- POST /api/ItemsModel: Adds a new item
- GET /api/items: Fetches all the items from the database
- DELETE /api/items/:itemName: Deletes an item based on item name
- PUT /api/items/:itemName: Updates item details based on item name