Local .bashrc file with bunch of exports:
- create ~/.bashrc symlink to this .bashrc
- some paths like /home/veljkomaksimovic/... are hardcoded and may require changing
To make zsh and oh-my-zsh work:
- install zsh
- replace ~.zshrc with a symlink to this .zshrc
- install fonts-powerline
- create ~/.oh-my-zsh symlink to this oh-my-zsh dir
To make nvim config work:
- create ~/.config/nvim symlink to this nvim dir
- install vim-plug
- open nvim editor (ignore errors)
- type :PlugInstall
To make coc Language Server work:
- create ~/.config/coc symlink to this coc dir
- open nvim editor (ignore errors)
- type :PlugUpdate, :CocUpdate