| Verilog 2022 web3dubai CTF challenge #1
This is a demo decentralized ternary option platform, where users can deposit MATIC to join the exciting 5-min ternary option trading. To simplify the logic, we will only allow users to deposit 1 MATIC each time to join the game. The rule is simple:
"Winner Takes All !!!!!"
- Some detialed info:
- Each round is 5 mins
- Each account only allows 1 MATIC each round to participate in the game
- There will be 4 mins open to deposit + 1 mins for lock
- Oracle is real-time price from the Quickswap / Uniswap
| startGame() | --------------- | startLockup() | --------------- | startNextRound() |
| |
Core Functions
/* Core Functions of the Binary Option Protocol Management */ function startGame() external returns (bool); function startLockup() external returns (bool); function startNextRound() external returns (bool);
User Interacred Actions
/* Core Functions for User Interaction */ function joinRound(uint256 _position) external payable returns (bool); function claimRoundReward(uint256 _roundID) external payable returns (bool); function claimBounty() external payable returns (bool);
Contract Name | Address (using polygonscan) |
Core Contract | 0x93FaC6E10658Eb3E5B0e95a8Eb916ebf47E61f2A |
LP Address | 0x00F48D1D7613Bc16868bA999243Db98D48eCb2DB |
CTF-Token | 0xE1DBD6aB3375bfaa5868cAa047e314ACB4eAB0b6 |
wMatic Token | 0x0d500B1d8E8eF31E21C99d1Db9A6444d3ADf1270 |