Menu Organizer. Access here!
This code is meant to collect recipes for various meals and allow convenient management of those recipes.
- Groceries server and MongoDB are both on the FUJI server (
- is the FUJI server.
- If you get error
Permission denied (publickey)
, you may need to manually runssh-add ~/.ssh/fuji_groceries
because changes not propogated to extant tabs, or ask Matt. - So I used iloveimg to compress the jpgs (did better than the elephant site) and then I used cloudconvert to convert to webp, getting even smaller results.
- jpg compression:
- jpg to webp conversion:
First install MongoDB. For me, the output of mongod --version
is db version v3.0.4.
The following is specific to the FUJI server unless otherwise stated.
Config file should be located at /usr/local/etc/mongodb.conf
and should have contents:
destination: file
path: /var/db/mongodb/mongod.log
logAppend: false
dbPath: /var/db/mongodb
enabled: true
To start the daemon:
sudo /usr/local/bin/mongod --logpath /var/db/mongodb/mongod.log --config /usr/local/etc/mongodb.conf --dbpath /var/db/mongodb
To kick off mongo daemon on matt's macbook:
/usr/local/opt/mongodb/bin/mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
To restore the DB from an old backup:
mongorestore mongo-dumps/fuji-server.2024-08-31T12:26:08-04:00
or similar.
Since we are using NodeJS, I recommend installing nvm
. Then install and enable node v11.15.0. The output of nvm which current
is /path/to/.nvm/versions/node/v11.15.0/bin/node.
Then use npm
to install gulp. The output of gulp --version
contains Local version: 3.9.1.
Please refer to for directions on installing gulp and any dependencies. That website is for PROVEMATH, but things should be similar for groceries.
For our python backend, the output of python --version
is Python 2.7.12.
To install python2 deps, use pip install -r requirements.txt
, since we have the version info there.
Make sure you are using the correct version of node
and gulp
(see above) before running the build:
On the server, gulp may throw an 'operation not permitted' error when you try to build. This can be overrided with sudo:
sudo gulp
This serves BOTH the front-end HTML/JS/CSS stuff as well as the backend Python stuff.
cd server-side
Then you can visit the site at http://localhost:8243/index.html