This is for experimenting only, absolute no responsibility if you brick your board.
You can try the following:
- Install wled using https://install.wled.me (0.14.3, Plain version)
- Setup WLED (Wifi and other settings)
- Upload firmware.bin using config/updates/Manual OTA update
- After board restart you should see "WLED - TTGO" on the display.
- If the display is blank, you can try to set in wleds config/led preferences/Led output/GPIO to 12 (if it is on 16)
- Also check out: https://github.com/Victoare/WLED_TTGO-TDisplay-output/tree/TTGO-TDisplay-output/usermods/usermod_v2_TTGO-TDisplay_output for further setup steps.
This build is ONLY for Lilygo/TTGO T-Display board!