It allows you to display a list of selected currencies and it's exchange rate to a base currency of your choice.
This tile can be used on the Laravel Dashboard.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require VictorAvelar/laravel-dashboard-exchange-rates-tile
Depending on your provider, this tile will show the most recent exchange rate for the symbols listed in your configuration.
In your dashboard view you use the livewire:dashboard-exchange-rates-tile
<livewire:exchange-rates-tile position="a1" />
The conversion of a certain amount in your base currency to each symbol in your configuration is displayed on this tile.
In your dashboard view you use the livewire:dashboard-exchange-converter-tile
<livewire:exchange-converter-tile position="a1" />
In app\Console\Kernel.php
you should schedule the Avelar\ExchangeRates\UpdateCurrencyExchangeRatesCommand
to run.
// in app/console/Kernel.php
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
// ...
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Avelar\ExchangeRates\ExchangeRatesTileServiceProvider" --tag="dashboard-exchange-rates-views"
// in config/dashboard.php
return [
// other settings
'tiles' => [
// other tiles ...
'exchange_rates' => [
| Exchange rates provider.
| Value for the exchange rates provider you prefer to use, the tile was
| build using which is free but it is also fully
| compatible with which has a freemium model.
| Accepted values are: "" and "".
'provider' => '',
| Base currency.
| The currency you want to use as base for the exchange rates display.
| Any currency is accepted as base as long as it is supported by your
| exchange rate provider.
'base' => 'EUR',
| Symbols to track.
| An array of exchange rate(s) symbols you wish to track.
| Example: ['USD', 'JPY', 'MXN']
'symbols' => ['GBP', 'USD'],
| Crypto assets to track.
| An array of crypto assets(s) you wish to track.
| The support for this feature depends on the provider you are using and
| the crypto exchanges/assets this provider tracks.
| Currently only is available as crypto provider and
| the list of available assets can be found here:
| Example: ['BTC']
'crypto' => ['BTC'],
| API key.
| When using as provider you need to privide a valid API key
| in order to access the API.
'api_key' => env('FIXER_API_KEY', ''),
| Tile refresh interval (optional).
| How often should the dashboard refresh your tile.
| If none set, it defaults to 60s.
'refresh_interval_in_seconds' => 60,
| Converter value.
| An amount to track against the specified symbols and crypto assets.
| Example: 500
| This will display a list in a similar fashion than the one tracking the
| exchange rates, the content will refer to the amount in X currency
| you will get by converting n amount of the base currency.
'convert_value' => 500,
composer test
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.