This repository is for the second revision or the ezBot robot that can be seen at [insert link of ensmasteel's repo] Here can be found ROS2 humble nodes, launch files, and simulation tools for the new robot. To see the elctronics design, see [insert other repository]. For the CAD design, see [insert catia repository]
For the simulation, the following dependencies need to be installed :
Docker and nvidia-container-toolkit are supposed to be installed on the host machine.
Clone the repository and build the docker image :
git clone
cd ezBotV2
Inside of the container :
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch ezbot-v2-simulation
or for a single robot simulation :
ros2 launch ezbot-v2-simluation
Note ⓘ : for systems with low RAM (<16Gb), it is recommended to compile using
colcon build --symlink-install --executor sequential
to avoid running out of memory.
Launching nav2 :
ros2 launch ezbot-v2 use_sim_time:=true params_file:=src/ezbot-v2/config/nav2_params.yaml map:=src/ezbot-v2/maps/testMap/testMap.yaml
Need to add static publisher for the map :
ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 robot1/map robot1/odom