This repository is dedicated to the exploration and application of computer vision techniques for two primary tasks: road line extraction and road segmentation. We leverage a combination of techniques to effectively analyze road images and extract useful patterns.
- Region of Interest (ROI) focusing on specific horizon lines.
- Thresholding: Image binarization based on the HSV color scale.
- Morphological Operations: Includes erosion, dilation, opening, and closing for improving the Thresholding results.
- Clustering: Used in segmentation scenarios.
- Canny Edge Detection: Applied for edge detection in images.
├── Clustering_codes/ # Scripts for clustering algorithms
├── Images/ # VArious images for testing and obtained results
├── KITTI_roadDataset/ # KITTI_road dataset images
├── Results/ # Result images for different approaches
├── Videos_results/ # Result videos for different approaches
├── pycache/ # Python cache files
├── carina_dataset/ # Local testing images
├── git_img/ # Images needed to the file
├── # Script for video line extraction
├── # Script for extracting road lines
├── # Script for segmenting roads
├── # Script for plotting histograms
├── # Script for HSV range adjustment
└── # Scripts for applying morphological operations