Welcome to AIAgents4Pharma – an open-source project by Team VPE that brings together AI-driven tools to help researchers and pharma interact seamlessly with complex biological data.
Our toolkit currently consists of the following agents:
- Talk2BioModels (v1 released; v2 in progress): Engage directly with mathematical models in systems biology.
- Talk2KnowledgeGraphs (v1 in progress): Access and explore complex biological knowledge graphs for insightful data connections.
- Talk2Scholars (v1 in progress): Get recommendations for articles related to your choice. Download, query, and write/retrieve them to your reference manager (currently supporting Zotero).
- Talk2Cells (v1 in progress): Query and analyze sequencing data with ease.
pip install aiagents4pharma
Check out the tutorials on each agent for detailed instrcutions.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/VirtualPatientEngine/AIAgents4Pharma cd AIAgents4Pharma
- Install dependencies:
pip install .
- Initialize OPENAI_API_KEY
export OPENAI_API_KEY=....
- [Optional] Initialize LANGSMITH_API_KEY
export LANGCHAIN_TRACING_V2=true export LANGCHAIN_API_KEY=<your-api-key>
Please note that this will create a new tracing project in your Langsmith
account with the name T2X-xxxx
, where X
can be B
(Biomodels), S
(KnowledgeGraphs), or C
(Cells). If you skip the previous step, it will
default to the name default
. xxxx
will be the 4-digit ID created for the
- Launch the app:
streamlit run app/frontend/streamlit_app_<agent>.py
Replace with the agent name you are interested to launch.
For detailed instructions on each agent, please refer to their respective modules.
We welcome contributions to AIAgents4Pharma! Here’s how you can help:
Fork the repository
Create a new branch for your feature (
git checkout -b feat/feature-name
) -
Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'feat: Add new feature'
) -
Push to the branch (
git push origin feat/feature-name
) -
Open a pull request and reach out to any one of us below via Discussions:
Note: We welcome all contributions, not just programming-related ones. Feel free to open bug reports, suggest new features, or participate as a beta tester. Your support is greatly appreciated!
- Talk2Biomodels/Talk2Cells: @gurdeep330 @lilijap @dmccloskey
- Talk2KnowledgeGraphs: @awmulyadi @dmccloskey
- Talk2Scholars: @ansh-info @gurdeep330 @dmccloskey
- Beta testers for Talk2BioModels and Talk2Scholars.
- Developers with experience in Python and Bioinformatics and/or knowledge graphs for contributions to AIAgents4Pharma.
Feel free to reach out to us via Discussions.
Check out our CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.
Questions/Bug reports/Feature requests/Comments/Suggestions? We welcome all. Please use Isssues
or Discussions