Pod is a framework for AngularJS 1.5x which allows you to create dynamic UI plugins in the form of AngularJS components
- UI framework developers can create plugin slots
- UI plugin providers can create plugins that fit into predefined slot types
- Inter-plugin communication
- Data
- Events
- Subjects
- Shared UI-Router States
AngularJS 1.5x
AngularJS UI-Router
(Reactive Extensions Library for JavaScript) Pod uses Behaviour Subjects provided by RxJS for inter-plugin communication
Getting Started
Import the required libraries and you're all set!
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/rx.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/pod.js"></script>
<pod pod-type="'widgetSlot'">
<div class="widget-wrapper" ng-click="selectWidget(pod.widgetName)" >
.component('dateWidget', {
template: 'The date is <strong>{{$ctrl.date}}</strong>',
controller: function() {
this.date = new Date();
podType: 'widgetSlot',
podArgs: {
widgetName: 'dateWidget'
To communicate between plugins each AngularJS module should create its own linking factory as shown below
app.factory('$widgetsPodLink', function ($podLink) {
return $podLink.register('widgets');
$widgetsPodLink.data.set('header', 'Welcome to Widgets!');
// publish event
var message = 'Hello World!';
$widgetsPodLink.events.pub('MessageReceived', message);
// subscribe to event
$widgetsPodLink.subjects.sub('widgets.Navigation', function(message) {
// create new subject
var initialValue = null;
var isGloballyVisible = true;
$widgetsPodLink.subjects.new('Navigation', initialValue, isGloballyVisible);
// publish next value
var navigationObject = { selectedLevel: 0 };
$widgetsPodLink.subjects.next('Navigation', navigationObject);
// subscribe to subject
$widgetsPodLink.subjects.sub('widgets.Navigation', function(navigationObject) {
var isSharedState = true;
$codeReviewPodLink.state.add('widgetSettings', { .. state definition .. }, isSharedState);