Create a new gradle/maven project
Add to your project hibernate-core dependency
Create hibernate.cfg.xml file in resources directory with the appropriate configuration according to your database
Create EntityManagerFactory and establish a connection with a database
Get Session object
Create classes that represent structure:
Class Carriage represents railway carriage and has attributes: serial number (UUID), year of manufacturing, max number of passengers
Class Train represents railway train and has attributes: route number, class (intercity, night, etc.), max speed, depot address, and list of carriages that included to train
Depot address has attributes: city, serial number
One train could be associated only with one depot
Save in the database Train (705, intercity, 160 km/h, Kyiv 1st depot) with 5 carriages of the 2011 year of manufacturing. 3 of the carriages have 80 max passengers and 2 with 56 passengers
Load from database existing train using route number parameters
Print to the console all information of the loaded train
Start PostgreSQL in docker
docker run --name gl-db-pg-13.3 -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=glpguser -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pgpwd4gl -e POSTGRES_DB=hometask postgres:13.3
To enter PostgreSQL and database use
docker exec -it gl-db-pg-13.3 /bin/sh
psql --username=glpguser --dbname=hometask
Enjoy the result
TRAIN: 705, intercity, 160 km/h, Depot{id=4, city='Kyiv 1st depot'}, Carriages: {Release year - 2011, Max pax - 80}{Release year - 2011, Max pax - 80}{Release year - 2011, Max pax - 80}{Release year - 2011, Max pax - 56}{Release year - 2011, Max pax - 56}