Records temperature, humidity and pressure data periodically into Google Spreadsheet with a scheduled cron task.
Based on Mini Weather Station on and modified to run as a cron task.
# clone the repo
git clone && cd sensehat-weather
# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt --user
Follow the gspread
documentation instructions to obtain OAuth credentials from Google Developers Console.
Download the credentials json file and copy it into the project directory in your Raspberry Pi.
# assuming credentials file is in the current directory
scp credentials.json pi@
Create a Google Spreadsheet and name it as you desire.
Rename the default worksheet as you desire.
Open up the credentials json file in the previous step
and note the email address under the client_email
Share the spreadsheet with that email address.
Open crontab in the Raspberry Pi.
crontab -e
Copy the following line into crontab. This schedules the task to run every 5 mins.
*/5 * * * * cd $HOME/sensehat-weather && python
Use optional arguments if your configurations is different from defaults.
- oauth_json:
- spreadsheet:
- worksheet:
- log:
usage: [-h] [--oauth-json OAUTH_JSON]
[--spreadsheet SPREADSHEET] [--worksheet WORKSHEET]
[--log LOG]
Take readings from SenseHat and add to Google Spreadsheet.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--oauth-json OAUTH_JSON
path to Google OAuth credentials json file
--spreadsheet SPREADSHEET
name of Google Spreadsheet to save SenseHat readings
--worksheet WORKSHEET
name of worksheet to save SenseHat readings
--log LOG path of log file
By default logs are written to main.log
in the project directory.