Turms is a pure python implementation following the awesome graphql-codegen library with a similar extensible design. It makes heavy use of pydantic and its serialization capablities and provides fully typed querys, mutations and subscriptions
Schema Generation
- Enums
- Inputs
- Objects
Documents Generation
- Fragments
- Operations
- minimal, but fully documented code generation
- agnostic of graphql transport (gql, and rath examples)
- Autocollapsing operation functions
- Specify type mixins, configuration
- full support type hints for variables (Pylance)
- Compliant with graphl-config
- Support for custom scalars
pip install turms
Turms configuration is compliant with the graphql-config specification, allowing interoperability with other frameworks.
schema: http://api.spacex.land/graphql/
documents: graphql/**.graphql
turms: # path for configuration for turms
out_dir: examples/api
- type: turms.stylers.capitalize.CapitalizeStyler
- type: turms.stylers.snake_case.SnakeCaseStyler
- type: turms.plugins.enums.EnumsPlugin
- type: turms.plugins.inputs.InputsPlugin
- type: turms.plugins.fragments.FragmentsPlugin
- type: turms.plugins.operations.OperationsPlugin
- type: turms.plugins.funcs.FuncsPlugin
- type: turms.processors.black.BlackProcessor
- type: turms.processors.isort.IsortProcessor
uuid: str
timestamptz: str
Date: str
turms gen
Turms configuration is based on plugins that can be configured in the graphql.config. There exist three major classes:
Stylers are responsible for applying different styles to the class names and field names (e.g. snakecasing of graphqls pascalcase), they are chained in order of notation in the graphql config (they receive the output of the last styler). Turms takes care of automatically aliasing these names if they are not the same as the graphql style)
Plugins are the generators of code, that traverse through the direcotry and ad new ast nodes to the global tree. Examplary pluings are:
- turms.plugins.enums.EnumsPlugin
- turms.plugins.inputs.InputsPlugin
- turms.plugins.fragments.FragmentsPlugin
- turms.plugins.operations.OperationsPlugin
- turms.plugins.funcs.FuncsPlugin
Parsers take the generated python.AST, and can parse this code. (e.g enabling polyfills for different python versions) Includes Parsers are
- turms.parsers.polyfill.PolyfillParser (only working for python 3.7)
Processors take the generated code (already a string), and can parse this code. (e.g. black processor for enforcing black style formatting) or isort of sorting imports. Includes Processors are
- turms.processor.black.BlackProcessor
- turms.processor.isort.IsortProcessor
Open your workspace (create a virtual env), in the root folder
turms init
This creates a graphql-config compliant configuration file in the working directory, edit this to reflect your settings (see Configuration)
turms gen
Generate beautifully typed Operations, Enums,...
In Etruscan religion, Turms (usually written as πππππ TurmΕ in the Etruscan alphabet) was the equivalent of Roman Mercury and Greek Hermes, both gods of trade and the messenger god between people and gods.
Turms does not come with a default transport layer but if you are searching for an Apollo-like GraphQL Client you can check out rath, that works especially well with turms.
This github repository also contains an example graphql.config.yaml with the public SpaceX api, as well as a sample of the generated api.
turms watch $PROJECT_NAME
Turms watch is able to automatically monitor your graphql folder for changes and autogenerate the api on save again. Requires additional dependency for watchdog
pip install turms[watch]