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Rabbit API

---@type Rabbit.Instance
local rabbit = require("rabbit")

Basic Interface


Closes Rabbit if it's open. Opens Rabbit if it's closed.

  • Parameters
    param type description
    plugin string Plugin name


Always opens Rabbit to a particular plugin

  • Parameters
    param type description
    plugin string Plugin name
  • Returns
    idx type description
    - Rabbit.Instance For chaining

    Example of chaining:

    -- Opens the plugin and immediately selects the first entry


Actually draws contents to the screen

Drawing Routine


Clears screen, displays text, and handles wrapping

  • Parameters
    param type description
    text string Message to display

rabbit.RelPath(source, target)

Generates a relative path object for highlighting

  • Parameters
    param type description
    source string Origin file (where from)
    target string Destination file (where to)
  • Returns
    key type description
    dir string Directory portion; automatically shortened to fit on screen
    name string File name portion; unchanged

rabbit.Legend(plugin, line)

Sets keybinds and draws keymap legend for quick reference

  • Parameters
    param type description
    plugin ? string Plugin name
    line ? integer Which line to start drawing on


Creates the buffer and stores context for drawing. Also calls the RabbitEnter event.

  • Parameters
    param type description
    plugin string Plugin name
  • Returns
    key type description
    nr integer Buffer ID
    w integer Calculated window width
    h integer Calculated window height
    fs false Rabbit is windowed


    Empty line
    pos integer Column the cursor should land on


Simply highlights the cursor's current line, if the position is a valid selection

Plugins & Setup


Sets up configuration and loads selected plugins

  • Parameters
    param type description


    string Keybind to open rabbit

rabbit.attach(plugin, default)

Attaches a plugin to Rabbit.


  1. Plugins should never share a name
  2. Plugins should never bind an autocmd
  • Parameters
    param type description
    plugin string Built-in plugin name
    (harpoon, oxide, reopen, history)


    Custom plugin
    default ? boolean If true, this will be the new default plugin (the one that's opened first)


Creates a persistent memory file and returns the filepath

  • Parameters
    param type description
    name string File name, generally the plugin name
  • Returns
    idx type description
    - string The real file path


Each plugin has its own implementation of these functions. The only default ones are the following:

    • Selects the current entry
  • rabbit.func.close()
    • Closes the Rabbit window
param type description
ln integer The current line number (not bounded)

IMPORTANT: Double-check the plugin-specific API documentation, as it may override the default functionality. For example, will check if the current entry is a collection. If not, it will revert to the default

Event Propagation


Propagates an event to all plugins

  • Parameters
    param type description
    evt NvimEvent The event to propagate


Creates an associated listing for a particular window in all plugins, so the plugin doesn't have to do it manually.

  • Parameters
    param type description
    winid integer Window ID


Returns the path key that the plugin will use.

  • Parameters
    param type description
    plugin ? Rabbit.Plugin The target plugin. Falls back to rabbit.ctx.plugin
  • Returns
    idx type description
    - string The resulting path_key

Input API

local input = require("rabbit.input")

Free input

input.prompt(title, callback, check)

Provides a text-box input


  • Parameters
    param type description
    title string The question/prompt input
    callback fun(str) Callback for when the input is accepted
    The parameter is the user's input string
    check ? fun(str)->bool Check function to validate user input.
    Returns false when input is invalid

Choices, desc, default, finally, entries)

Creates a menu in which the user can select from multiple options


  • Parameters
    param type description
    title string Window title
    desc ? string Description. Usually extra context about the popup
    default ? string If matched, then the entry's callback is run without the menu ever being shown.
    This is useful for user's default actions
    finally ? fun() A callback for when the menu is closed for any reason
    entries Rabbit.Input.Menu.Entry[] A list of menu entries


input.warn(title, msg, color)

Shows a popup to the user. The popup is closed upon any interaction.


  • Parameters
    param type description
    title string Message box title
    msg string Actual content message
    color ? string Border color highlight group


local set = require("rabbit.plugins.util")


set.index(tbl, elem)

Finds the first index of an entry in the table

  • Parameters
    param type description
    tbl { [int] : 🇪 } The array of elements
    elem 🇪 The element to remove
  • Returns
    idx type description
    - integer The index of the entry
    nil The entry was not found

set.sub(tbl, elem)

Removes all instances of an entry in the table

  • Parameters
    param type description
    tbl { [int] : 🇪 } The array of elements
    elem 🇪 The element to remove
  • Returns
    idx type description
    - boolean Whether anything was removed

set.add(tbl, elem)

Removes all instances of an entry in the table, and adds a new one as the first element

  • Parameters
    param type description
    tbl { [int] : 🇪 } The array of elements
    elem 🇪 The element to add

Files & Memory

Reads a JSON file and returns the table; returns an empty table if the file doesn't exist

  • Parameters
    param type description
    name string The file name to load
  • Returns
    idx type description
    - table The parsed JSON object, tbl)

Saves a table to a file as JSON

  • Parameters
    param type description
    name string File name to write to
    tbl table The table to save as JSON
  • Returns
    idx type description
    - boolean Whether or not the save was successful

set.clean(tbl, only_children)

Cleans a listing table to remove any deleted files & folders

  • Parameters
    param type description
    tbl { [int] : str } An array of file names
    { [str] : any } A dictionary of { [filename] : any } objects
    only_children ? boolean If true, the first set of keys will NOT be touched. Useful for custom path_key functions
  • Returns
    idx type description
    - table The cleaned up table

Internal flags

scope flag type description
Rabbit path_key str These are set from the last RabbitEnter event
value description
unset Rabbit has not been called yet
plugin:func Custom path key function set at the plugin level
plugin:str Custom path key string set at the plugin level
global:func Custom path key function set at the global (Rabbit) level
global:str Custom path key string set at the global (Rabbit) level
fallback No custom path key function has been set
Rabbit last_path str The path value from the last RabbitEnter event
Rabbit path_debug str For developer use only. Rabbit will never touch this. It will be printed underneath, like so
Plugin.sys path_key bool If set, then this plugin uses a custom path_key function or string.
Use with the set.clean function: set.clean(tbl, p.flags.sys.path_key)

*note: this is only set upon plugin initialization