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brusshamilton committed Jan 27, 2025
1 parent 5ff27f1 commit 9027437
Showing 1 changed file with 45 additions and 41 deletions.
86 changes: 45 additions & 41 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3521,7 +3521,9 @@ dictionary AdAuctionDataConfig {
<dd>The seller that will be used as the {{AuctionAdConfig/seller}} in the
following {{AuctionAdConfig}} passed to {{Window/navigator}}.{{Navigator/runAdAuction()}}.
Can not be specified with the {{AdAuctionDataConfig/sellers}} field.
Can not be specified with the {{AdAuctionDataConfig/sellers}} field. Exactly
one of {{AdAuctionDataConfig/seller}} and {{AdAuctionDataConfig/sellers}}
must be specified.
<dd>The origin of the coordinator hosting public encryption keys for the server
running the ad auction. The [=origin/scheme=] must be "`https`". An implementation
Expand All @@ -3533,7 +3535,9 @@ dictionary AdAuctionDataConfig {
by {{Navigator/getInterestGroupAdAuctionData}} resolves contains the
{{AdAuctionData/requests}} field instead of the {{AdAuctionData/request}} field.
Can not be specified with the {{AdAuctionDataConfig/seller}} or
{{AdAuctionDataConfig/coordinatorOrigin}} fields.
{{AdAuctionDataConfig/coordinatorOrigin}} fields. Exactly
one of {{AdAuctionDataConfig/seller}} and {{AdAuctionDataConfig/sellers}}
must be specified.
<dd>The desired size for the returned {{AdAuctionData/request}}. If any buyers are specified in
{{AdAuctionDataConfig/perBuyerConfig}}, this will be the exact size of the returned {{AdAuctionData/request}}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3791,25 +3795,26 @@ The <dfn for=Navigator method>getInterestGroupAdAuctionData(|configIDL|)</dfn> m
1. [=list/Append=] |serverIg| to |igMap|[|owner|].
1. If |ig|'s [=interest group/Private Aggregation coordinator=] is not null, then [=map/set=]
|igPAggCoordinatorMap|[(|owner|, |name|)] to it.
1. Let |results| be a new [=list=].
1. Let |results| be a new [=list=] of [=auction data per seller results=].
1. Let |requestId| be the [=string representation=] of a [=version 4 UUID=].
1. [=list/For each=] |config| in |configs|:
1. [=list/For each=] |config| of |configs|:
1. Let |seller| be |config|'s [=auction data config/seller=].
1. If |config|'s [=auction data config/coordinator=] is not one of the [=implementation-defined=]
coordinators supported by this [=user agent=]:
1. Let |result| be a new [=auction data seller result=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
: [=auction data seller result/seller=]
1. Let |result| be a new [=auction data per seller result=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
: [=auction data per seller result/seller=]
:: |seller|
: [=auction data seller result/error=]
: [=auction data per seller result/error=]
:: "invalid coordinator"
1. [=list/Append=] |result| to |results|.
1. [=iteration/Continue=].
1. Let |keyInfo| be the result of [=looking up the server encryption key=]
with |config|'s [=auction data config/seller=] and |seller|'s [=auction data config/coordinator=].
1. If |keyInfo| is failure:
1. Let |result| be a new [=auction data seller result=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
: [=auction data seller result/seller=]
1. Let |result| be a new [=auction data per seller result=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
: [=auction data per seller result/seller=]
:: |seller|
: [=auction data seller result/error=]
: [=auction data per seller result/error=]
:: "key lookup failed"
1. [=list/Append=] |result| to |results|.
1. [=iteration/Continue=].
Expand All @@ -3819,44 +3824,37 @@ The <dfn for=Navigator method>getInterestGroupAdAuctionData(|configIDL|)</dfn> m
1. Let (|requestBlob|, |context|) be the result of serializing |igMap| with |config| and
|igPAggCoordinatorMap|. The serialization method may follow that described in
[Section 2.2.4 of Bidding and Auction Services](
1. Let |result| be a new [=auction data seller result=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
: [=auction data seller result/seller=]
1. Let |result| be a new [=auction data per seller result=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
: [=auction data per seller result/seller=]
:: |seller|
: [=auction data seller result/request=]
: [=auction data per seller result/request=]
:: |requestBlob|
1. [=list/Append=] |result| to |results|.
1. Let |requestContext| be a new [=server auction request context=].
1. Set |requestContext|'s [=server auction request context/request ID=] field to |requestId|.
1. Set |requestContext|'s [=server auction request context/request context=] field to |context|.
1. [=map/Set=] |global|'s [=associated Document's=] [=node navigable's=]
[=traversable navigable's=] [=traversable navigable/saved Bidding and Auction request context=][|requestId|] to |requestContext|.
1. Let |result| be a new {{AdAuctionData}}.
1. [=map/Set=] |result|["{{AdAuctionData/requestId}}"] to |requestId|.
1. Let |IDLresults| be a new {{AdAuctionData}}.
1. [=map/Set=] |IDLresults|["{{AdAuctionData/requestId}}"] to |requestId|.
1. If |configIDL|[{{AdAuctionDataConfig/seller}}] [=map/exists=]:
1. Let |seller result| be |results|[0].
1. If |seller result|'s [=auction data seller result/error=] is not null:
1. If |seller result|'s [=auction data per seller result/error=] is not null:
1. [=Queue a global task=] on the [=DOM manipulation task source=], given |global|, to
[=reject=] |p| with a {{TypeError}}.
1. Abort these steps.
1. Set |result|["{{AdAuctionData/request}}"] to |requestBlob|.
1. Set |IDLresults|["{{AdAuctionData/request}}"] to |requestBlob|.
1. Otherwise:
1. [=list/For each=] |seller result| in |results|:
1. If |seller result|'s [=auction data seller result/error=] is not null:
1. Let |IDLresult| be a new {{AdAuctionPerSellerData}} with the following [=struct/items=]:
: {{AdAuctionPerSellerData/seller}}
:: |seller result|'s [=auction data seller result/seller=]
: {{AdAuctionPerSellerData/error}}
:: |seller result|'s [=auction data seller result/error=]
1. [=list/Append=] |IDLresult| to |result|["{{AdAuctionData/requests}}"].
1. Let |IDLresult| be a new {{AdAuctionPerSellerData}} whose {{AdAuctionPerSellerData/seller}} |seller result|'s [=auction data per seller result/seller=].
1. If |seller result|'s [=auction data per seller result/error=] is not null:
1. Set |IDLresult|["{{AdAuctionPerSellerData/error}}"] to |seller result|'s [=auction data per seller result/error=].
1. [=list/Append=] |IDLresult| to |IDLresults|["{{AdAuctionData/requests}}"].
1. Otherwise:
1. Let |IDLresult| be a new {{AdAuctionPerSellerData}} with the following [=struct/items=]:
: {{AdAuctionPerSellerData/seller}}
:: |seller result|'s [=auction data seller result/seller=]
: {{AdAuctionPerSellerData/request}}
:: |seller result|'s [=auction data seller result/request=]
1. [=list/Append=] |IDLresult| to |result|["{{AdAuctionData/requests}}"].
1. Set |IDLresult|["{{AdAuctionPerSellerData/request}}"] to |seller result|'s [=auction data per seller result/request=].
1. [=list/Append=] |IDLresult| to |IDLresults|["{{AdAuctionData/requests}}"].
1. [=Queue a global task=] on the [=DOM manipulation task source=], given |global|, to
resolve |p| with |result|.
resolve |p| with |IDLresults|.
1. Return p.

Expand All @@ -3865,7 +3863,7 @@ The <dfn for=Navigator method>getInterestGroupAdAuctionData(|configIDL|)</dfn> m
To <dfn>parse and verify ad auction data config</dfn> given an
{{AdAuctionDataConfig}} |configIDL| and [=origin=] |top_level_origin|:

1. Let |configs| be a new empty [=list=].
1. Let |configs| be a new empty [=list=] of [=auction data configs=].
1. Let |per buyer configs| be the result of running [=parse per buyer auction data configs=] on
1. Let |requestSize| be |configIDL|["{{AdAuctionDataConfig/requestSize}}"] if it [=map/exists=], null otherwise.
Expand All @@ -3878,8 +3876,11 @@ The <dfn for=Navigator method>getInterestGroupAdAuctionData(|configIDL|)</dfn> m
1. If |configIDL|["{{AdAuctionDataConfig/seller}}"] [=map/exists=]:
1. Let |seller| be the result of running [=parse an https origin=] on
1. Let |coordinator| be the result of running [=parse an https origin=] on
1. If |configIDL|["{{AdAuctionDataConfig/coordinatorOrigin}}"] [=map/exists=]:
1. Let |coordinator| be the result of running [=parse an https origin=] on
1. Otherwise
1. Let |coordinator| be the [=user agent=]'s default coordinator.
1. If |seller| or |coordinator| are failure, then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
1. Let |config| be a new [=auction data config=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
: [=auction data config/publisher=]
Expand All @@ -3899,11 +3900,14 @@ The <dfn for=Navigator method>getInterestGroupAdAuctionData(|configIDL|)</dfn> m
1. [=list/For each=] |seller config| in |configIDL|["{{AdAuctionDataConfig/sellers}}"]:
1. Let |seller| be the result of running [=parse an https origin=] on
|seller config|["{{AdAuctionOneSeller/seller}}"].
1. If |configs| already [=list/contains=] a [=auction data config=] whose
1. If |configs| [=list/contains=] an [=auction data config=] whose
[=auction data config/seller=] is equal to |seller|, then
[=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
1. Let |coordinator| be the result of running [=parse an https origin=] on
|seller config|["{{AdAuctionOneSeller/coordinatorOrigin}}"].
1. If |seller config|["{{AdAuctionOneSeller/coordinatorOrigin}}"] [=map/exists=]:
1. Let |coordinator| be the result of running [=parse an https origin=] on
|seller config|["{{AdAuctionOneSeller/coordinatorOrigin}}"].
1. Otherwise:
1. Let |coordinator| be the [=user agent=]'s default coordinator.
1. If |seller| or |coordinator| are failure, then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
1. Let |config| be a new [=auction data config=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
: [=auction data config/publisher=]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -9912,15 +9916,15 @@ An <dfn>auction data config</dfn> is a [=struct=] with the following [=struct/it
:: A [=map=] whose [=map/keys=] are [=origins=] and [=map/values=] are [=auction data buyer config=].

An <dfn>auction data seller result</dfn> is a [=struct=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
<dl dfn-for="auction data seller result">
An <dfn>auction data per seller result</dfn> is a [=struct=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
<dl dfn-for="auction data per seller result">
: <dfn>seller</dfn>
:: The origin of the seller that this result corresponds to. Will match one of
the sellers in the [=auction data config=].
: <dfn>request</dfn>
:: Null or a [=byte sequence=]. The encrypted request generated for this
[=auction data seller result/seller=]. Null indicates an error occured and
the [=auction data seller result/error=] field will contain additional information.
[=auction data per seller result/seller=]. Null indicates an error occured and
the [=auction data per seller result/error=] field will contain additional information.
: <dfn>error</dfn>
:: Null or a [=string=]. Null when the request succeeds. Otherwise contains
additional information about the failure.
Expand Down

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