This is a Unity implementation of a map generator using a similar process to the one outlined by Amit Patel at Red Blob Games
- rework currently virtual land, because it's not working
- rework generate texture. Right now it's very long operation because unity create texture instead coloring each triangle separetly.
- rework setWaterToEdge alhoritm (in testing)
- increase manipulation with object placing, validate maxprefab to cell, to map, and frenquncy to each model.(in testing)
- Fixed a bug with meshsize for large models (if meshsize more than ~300-350). Change index format to int32, it possible generate mesh under 800k verts.
- Fixed recursive code for ocean (unity broken with exception)
- Fixed falloff river bug
- Added humidity layer
- Added heat layer
- Added precipitation layer
- Added bioms layer like on image with configurable from editor
- Added prefabs layer to every centroid with random choosen from a list
- Added town layer instead biome town
- SteveJohnstone Voronoi Map Gen project
- Licence: MIT
- jceipek's Unity-delaunay project
- Licence: MIT
- Sebastian Lague's Terrain project