This repository contains scripts to bootstrap Ubuntu Oracular distribution. This is specifically for Ubuntu 24. It might not work with Ubuntu 22.
To check if your distribution is correct, run the command
lsb_release -cs
This should output oracular
Contributions are always welcome! In case you have any request or encounter a bug, please create an issue on the repo. You can also fork this repo and make your changes.
Install the package make
sudo apt install make -y
Then run the following command
make all
Sit back and watch the script install everything for you. Then reboot the system and you should be good to go.
This setups some nerd fonts
- CascadiaCode
- FiraCode
- FiraMono
- Hack
- JetBrainsMono
- Mononoki
- NerdFontsSymbolsOnly
- Noto
- RobotoMono
- SourceCodePro
- Terminus
- UbuntuMono
- Ubuntu