Toy project to learn how to use the Solana Anchor framework. (my notes 🐒)
- Scalping: Tickets are bought in bulk and resold at a higher price.
- Fraud: Fake tickets are sold to unsuspecting customers.
- Scalability: Ticket sales are limited to the capacity of the venue. (?)
- Centralization: Ticket sales are controlled by a single entity.
- Network Congestion: High demand for tickets can cause network congestion. (?)
- Create a decentralized ticket selling platform.
- Tickets are sold as NFTs.
- Tickets are minted by the organizer and sold to customers.
- Tickets can be resold by customers and the organizer receives a commission.
- Tickets can be verified by the organizer and the customer.
- Tickets can be redeemed by the customer at the venue.
- Organizer: Mints tickets and receives commissions.
- Customer: Buys tickets and resells tickets.
- Venue: Verifies tickets and redeems tickets.
Flow map 🗺️
graph TD
A[Organizer] -->|Mint| B((Ticket))
B -->|Sell| C[Customer]
C -->|Resell| D[Customer]
D -->|Sell| E[Customer]
E -->|Redeem| F[Venue]
Sequence diagram 📈
actor Organizer
participant organizer-hardware
participant server-APIs
participant Solana-contract
participant Solana-network
participant client-app
actor Customer
Organizer ->> server-APIs: Mint tickets request <br>ticket info: {number, price, date, venue, restrictions}
server-APIs ->> Solana-contract: Mint ticket request
Solana-contract ->> Solana-contract: Mint ticket
Solana-contract ->> Solana-network: SolAccount creation
Solana-network ->> Solana-contract: SolAccount creation response
Solana-contract ->> server-APIs: Mint ticket response <br>server can now sell tickets
server-APIs ->> client-app: Ticket sale
Customer ->> client-app: Buy ticket
client-app ->> server-APIs: Ticket sale request
server-APIs ->> Solana-contract: Transfer ticket request
Solana-contract ->> Solana-contract: Transfer ticket
Solana-contract ->> Solana-network: SolAccount update
Solana-network ->> Solana-contract: SolAccount update response
Solana-contract ->> server-APIs: Transfer ticket response
server-APIs ->> client-app: Ticket sale response
client-app ->> client-app: Ticket secured by client-app dynamically <br>(maybe using a 3-rd party service like Apple verify)
Customer ->> client-app: Resell ticket
client-app ->> server-APIs: Ticket resell request
server-APIs ->> Solana-contract: Transfer ticket request
Solana-contract ->> Solana-contract: Transfer ticket
Solana-contract ->> Solana-network: SolAccount update
Solana-network ->> Solana-contract: SolAccount update response
Solana-contract ->> server-APIs: Transfer ticket response
server-APIs ->> client-app: Ticket resell response
client-app ->> client-app: Ticket secured by client-app dynamically <br>(maybe using a 3-rd party service like Apple verify)
Customer ->> client-app: Use ticket
client-app ->> server-APIs: Ticket use request
server-APIs ->> Solana-contract: Redeem ticket request
Solana-contract ->> Solana-contract: Redeem ticket
Solana-contract ->> Solana-network: SolAccount update
Solana-network ->> Solana-contract: SolAccount update response
Solana-contract ->> server-APIs: Redeem ticket response
server-APIs ->> client-app: Ticket use response
client-app ->> organizer-hardware: Ticket verification
organizer-hardware ->> server-APIs: Ticket verification request
server-APIs ->> Solana-contract: Verify ticket request
Solana-contract ->> Solana-contract: Verify ticket
Solana-contract ->> Solana-network: SolAccount update
Solana-network ->> Solana-contract: SolAccount update response
Solana-contract ->> server-APIs: Verify ticket response
server-APIs ->> organizer-hardware: Ticket verification response
- Organizer can mint tickets and sell tickets by setting the ticket price.
- Customer can buy tickets and resell tickets limited to the ticket price.
- Venue can verify tickets and redeem tickets.
- Organizer can set restrictions on tickets.
- Customer can buy tickets in bulk.
- Customer can resell tickets at a higher price. (?)
The rust toolchain is required to build the project. The following commands will install the rust toolchain and the required dependencies.
# Install the rust toolchain
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Installing using Anchor version manager
# Install the Anchor version manager
cargo install --git avm --locked --force
# Install the build dependencies
sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"
# Check the version of Anchor
solana --version
# Install the latest version of Anchor
avm install latest
# Check the version of Anchor
anchor --version
# Build the project
On one terminal:
On another terminal:
./scripts/ dev
❶ Create a ticket:
curl --location 'localhost:3000/api/ticket/v1' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "test",
"uri": "uri_test",
"transfer_limit": 10
"asset_key": "xLZjdGZB3SdtUUYg4rKoBrVb9w7yFuKh8FNEBTzgCVB",
"aes_gcm_tag": "21WlQQsekVvi0XSYH3iX8g=="
❷ Get the ticket:
curl --location 'localhost:3000/api/ticket/v1/xLZjdGZB3SdtUUYg4rKoBrVb9w7yFuKh8FNEBTzgCVB?aes_gcm_tag=21WlQQsekVvi0XSYH3iX8g%3D%3D'
"name": "test",
"owner": "79zjn9Pe3empMZZet5FHnNKaVjrLkCN9i2HV7u4THsVq",
"uri": "uri_test2"
❸ Create an asset for the ticket:
curl --location 'localhost:3000/api/asset/v1' \
--header 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' \
--data-binary '~/Downloads/ED5FA0FF-DD05-48DE-AE0A-0701FB189A97.JPG'
❹ Get the asset:
curl --location 'localhost:3000/api/asset/v1/image.jpg'
- Initialize the project.
- Create a new program.
- Create a new instruction.
- Create a MPL Core Account.
- Batch create MPL Core Accounts.
- Create a MPL Core Account with a plugin.
- Create a MPL Core Account with a plugin and a collection.
- If you are transferring an Asset which has a collection you will need to pass the collection address in.
- Transfer a MPL Core Account.
- Set the price of a MPL Core Account.
- Set the rules of marketing a MPL Core Account.
- Encrypt the data of a MPL Core Account with a secret.
solana config get # Get the current Solana cluster configuration
solana config set --url # Set the Solana cluster configuration
solana balance # Get the balance of the current wallet
solana airdrop 2 ~/.config/solana/id.json # Airdrop 1 SOL to the current wallet
solana address # Get the public key of the current wallet
solana keygen new --outfile ~/.config/solana/id.json # Generate a new keypair
solana transfer 1 [public-key] # Transfer 1 SOL to the specified public key
solana transfer --allow-unfunded-recipient 1 [public-key] # Transfer 1 SOL to the specified public key even if it's unfunded
solana transfer --allow-unfunded-recipient 1 [public-key] --from ~/.config/solana/id.json # Transfer 1 SOL from the current wallet to the specified public key even if it's unfunded
solana logs --url localhost
# Initialize a new project
anchor init [new-workspace-name]