Nvidia Research
- Santa Clara
- https://yuewang.xyz
PyTorch Implementation of EmerNeRF: Emergent Spatial-Temporal Scene Decomposition via Self-Supervision
SSCBench: A Large-Scale 3D Semantic Scene Completion Benchmark for Autonomous Driving
A logger, server and visualization dashboard for ML projects
Vector Neurons: A General Framework for SO(3)-Equivariant Networks
Vector Neuron pointcloud networks for classification and segmentation. Separate training setups for VN-DGCNN and VN-PointNet
Neural Scene Flow Prior (NeurIPS 2021 spotlight)
PyTorch implementation of MoCo: https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.05722
FML (Francis' Machine-Learnin' Library) - A collection of utilities for machine learning tasks
Deep Depth Completion of a Single RGB-D Image
Relation Networks for CLEVR implemented in PyTorch
Marvin: A Minimalist GPU-only N-Dimensional ConvNets Framework