3D modeling involves interaction with 3D perspective objects on 2D screens typically with devices such as mouse or touch sensitive controls that help a user in performing different actions with a subject model such as rotating, scaling, moving and translating it across different axes and planes etc. These control media lack basic ergonomic agility and desired ease of use in performing these functions especially for amateur and novice designers who are just getting introduced to this new world of 3D modelling.
This is our final year project which is a solution that precisely targets these shortcomings of the traditional devices and takes 3D modelling to a next level where interactions with 3D models are enhanced and made intuitive by introducing 3D motion sensing controllers as medium to perform these functions since they offer more freedom and precise control on different aspects of model editing and help enhance user experience. Another significant addition to user experience enhancement is integration of this whole modeling exercise with a Virtual Reality environment which transcends all traditional modeling techniques with a new and unique experience and also enable adaptation of the latest technological advancements such as virtual reality itself.
Unity project, also requires Razor Hydra Controllers.