Bridge for content (user/posts..?) from phpbb 3.1+ to Wordpress it makes use of the new Symfony 2 events in order to catch the CRUD event of whatever we need This plugin has been originally done for the website
Required : Wordpress (tested 4.1) Phpbb 3.1+
Help/Remarks/Evolutions are up to what you may think of. Be creative and don't restrain yourslef about how i could improve the plugin (aka you code like a pig)
I may refuse some regarding the fact that it will need a wordpress plugin in ordrer to get a full scope of every data : this plugin only treats data from phpbb TO wordpress, and not the opposite. That's gonna be another plugin for WP ;)
Credits for inspiration : nickvergessen for the copy/pasta of the whole structure from his gallery plugin the banhammer editor of 3.1, ty too for the copy/pasta :D merianos from for the original wp-phpbb-bridge i've used until phpbb3.1 Anytime for a beer dude