MotoTracker is a Next.js Website used to manage car maintenance and track fuel costs and efficiency.
Go to and create an account or use the guest account with the following login. [email protected] Password: Guest1!!
To get started with the app navigate to the Car Manager page and set up a car entry, then navigate to the Maintenance Log page and add mantenance entries.
The Dashboard displays basic information about the selected car including,
- Car Info
- Car Image
- Fuel Stats
- Time and Miles since for all the routine mainenance categories.
The Maintenance Log is used to manage all of the cars maintenance data and can be used to,
- Add Maintenance of any of the following types, Fuel, Mainenance, Oil Change, Tire Rotation, Air Filter, Inspection, and Registration
- View and Filter all the maintenance entries in each category.
- When adding maintenance you can use the phone camera to take a picure of the odometer on the car and the gas pump to fill in some of the form fields automatically
- Delete Maintenance Entrys with a long tap
The Statistics Page is used to view graphs related to fuel economy including,
- Miles Per Gallon
- Dollars Per Gallon
- Dollars Per Mile
The Car Manager is used to,
- Add Cars
- Add images to cars
- Share cars with other users
- Select which car you are currently using
- Delete Cars with a long tap
- Im using Java with Android studio and Gradel to package the app.
- For User Accounts Im using the third party service Auth0 as its a secure method for managing user accounts.
- To make the Charts on the Statistics page im using the gradle package "com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v3.1.0"
- For the Text recognition for the gas pump and odomiter photo parsing im using the gradle package ""
- For the backend It uses an Express.JS Api I wrote In Typescript GitHub