Our monkey will help you to find any single word you're looking for 😆
We tried to create a website that enables users to quickly find and select words from a list of suggestions, as they type.The list is dynamically generated from a pre-populated list of values, leveraging searching and filtering.
The website will take the word that the user chosen from the options that he had on the screen and make an API call (Oxford Dictionary) where from that he's able to bring the defination of each single word . Furthermore, after getting the defination of the word, the website will make another API call (GIPHY) where we having a random GIF for the word which the user is searching for.
# 1st Scenario
- User: Entered the website and
clicked submit without typing anything
- Result : Nothing happend until the user type
something and click the submit button
# 2nd Scenario
- User: Entered the website and typed a word
- Result : Autolist of words will be generated where
the user can choose from.
# 3rd Scenario
- User: Entered the website, typed a word with an
existing definition/gif available on the API's,
and clicked submit.
- Result : On submit, the autogenerated list of words will be
cleared and the definition of the word that the user typed
will pop up on the screen with GIF related to the word itself
above the definition.
# 4th Scenario
- User: Entered the website, typed a word without an
existing definition/gif available on the API's,
and clicked submit.
- Result : On submit, the autogenerated list of words will
be cleared and an error message will appear, telling the user
that a definition is unavailable. In case there is no gif
available, a monkey will appear looking disappointed
, and a message will advise the user that no gifs were
returned from the search.
We used Oxford Dictionary and Giphy:
The Oxford Dictionary API had a handy feature in its documentation to sample and test API calls.
In order to improve th e user-experience speed, we decided to save a local file of words onto the server, in order to save the time that would otherwise have been spent frequently loading from a remote API.
We created a repository on Heroku and followed instructions to host our app.
How to set up heroku on your local app
In your command line interface, enter the following:
sudo snap install heroku --classic
heroku login
cd <your local app location>
heroku git:remote -a stormy-tundra-48773
We followed the following steps in our terminal:
- heroku create
- (creates a remote named 'heroku')
- git remote -v
- Checks that a remote has been set.
- git push heroku master
We then encountered the following error:
So we viewed our application logs on our Heroku app page:
As shown, we had an error "H10", which is described in the omplete Heroku error codes. Or better still, here's a handy guide explaining the possible issues.
Basically, we needed the following process.env code in our server:
var port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
server.listen(port, () => console.log('node http server listening on http://localhost:' + port))
Other useful Heroku commands
heroku logs --tail
(view logs)
git push heroku master
(pushes commited changes to the heroku repo)
- Create back end
- Linting
- Create front end
- Testing
- Utilise Travis
- Decide how to optimise speed of user experience (should we preload any words?)