Will Take Input and produce Output!
$ npm install
$ npm start
$ npm run build
Builds the app for macOS, Linux, and Windows, using electron-packager.
The Unlicense © <%= name %>
- Add Libs to Create Content
- Better Readme
- Settings, etc
- Online Sync-Server (Token, Save all info, but no real assets) (php + mysql (one table, 4 fields: churchname + token + JSON + passwd (if set = private)))
- GET sync.php?token=XXX <-- return JSON
- POST sync.php?token=XXX (body:JSON) <-- Save JSON for Token (update or insert)
- GET info.php <-- list of churches + token
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36773711/passing-data-to-windows-in-electron
- https://github.com/maximegris/angular-electron