Full-functional extension of micro:bit for Scratch3
This is an extension for Scratch3 by MIT. You can code using all sensors and pins on micro:bit with normal Scratch3 blocks on this app.
Open a Scratch3-Mod application ✨ Microbit More to use this extension. You can code using its extended blocks and all blocks in normal Scratch3 on this app.
You don't need to run Scratch Link when your browser is Chrome, Edge or 'Web Bluetooth API' supporting one (the browser in Chromebook, Scrub in iPadOS, like that).
This extension can be used with other extension in Xcratch.
- Open Xcratch Editor
- Click 'Add Extension' button
- Select 'Extension Loader' extension
- Type the module URL in the input field
👤 Koji Yokokawa
- Website: http://www.yengawa.com/
- Github: @yokobond
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.
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Copyright © 2020-2021 Koji Yokokawa.
This project is MIT licensed.
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