This repository holds the script to train the neural network used in WhiteboadLiveCoding. It also houses the script to add images to the dataset.
usage: --emnist <path-to-emnist.mat> --wlc <path-to-wlc.mat>
--emnist EMNIST path for the EMNIST dataset
--wlc WLC path for the WLC dataset
-h, --help show the help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output directory for the model(without /)
default: bin
--height HEIGHT height of the input image
default: 28
--width WIDTH width of the input image
default: 28
-e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
number of epochs to train the model on
default: 10
-g GPUS, --gpus GPUS number of gpus to be used
default: 1
-b BATCH, --batch BATCH
batch size for training
default: 64
-d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
device to be used for training
default: /cpu:0
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
keras model to be trained
default: convolutional
-p , --parallel use multi gpu model
-f, --fix-emnist fix the images from emnist
A Dataset class has been defined to load the wlc-byclass
and add more images to it.
# Reference Code
from OCRTraining.dataset import Dataset
dataset = Dataset(batch_size=32) # The new images are cached and put in the dataset in a batch
# This adds an image to the training data with label '{'
dataset.add_image([for i in range(784)], '{')
# This adds an image to the testing data with label '{'
dataset.add_image([for i in range(784)], '{', test_data=True)
# This saves the dataset to a .mat file with the timestamp as a part of the filename
# A do_compression=False argument can be supplied to save an uncompressed dataset
Based on a project by @coopss