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Company rooms, within the parade, are a prominent feature of Wii no Ma.

Within rooms, companies can display several types of genres of information (separate "room menus"). They also have the option to provide contact information, and a 3D model.

Note that thumbnail assets must have a lowercase prefix and 4 digits following afterwards. For example, assume a delivery asset with ID 1234 - its name must be a1234, or Wii no Ma will throw validation errors.

Room Assets

Rooms require two assets: a parade banner (logo1 internally), and a company/room logo (logo2).

Name Internal Name Asset Prefix Asset Dimensions
Parade Banner logo1 g 184 x 80 px
Room Logo logo2 f 320 x 180 px

Menu Types

Rooms can provide multiple menus. Each menu has a different functionality. Note that every thumbnail asset has the dimensions of 160 x 120 px.

Menu Type ID Menu Name Internal Name Thumbnail Asset Prefix
1 Delivery smp a
2 Voting enq b
3 Movie mov c
4 Coupon coup d
5 Link link h
6 Picture pic i
7 Movie (unknown) mov j
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