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API : How to use it ?

Sylvain Arnouts edited this page Jun 5, 2016 · 3 revisions

All information about the API could be found on this page.

There are no restrictions on this API, no token needed.

If you're developping a software, website or mobile app which needs our API, please contact us and let us know about your project ! 😉

If you use our API and you want us to add a special feature you could need, please send us an e-mail or make a pull request ! 😃

Note : Our API makes requests to WikiData, OpenStreetMaps, and WikiVoyage. It's possible that one of them isn't responding, and it's not our fault. Please make sure that your website checks errors from the JSON object our API is sending back. It can be done by checking the "err_check.value". If you want to test it, simply add "fakeError=true" to the URL.

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