A modern, easy to use, Pythonic API wrapper for the Will of Steel API in Python.
Python 3.8 or higher is required
On windows, the library can be installed using the following command:
py -3 -m install willofsteel
On macOS/linux, use the following command:
python3 pip install willofsteel
If desired, you can also clone the repository directly:
git clone https://github.com/WillofSteel-Devs/api-wrapper
Creating a Client
To create a client to interact with the API with, you can use the followning code:
import willofsteel
API_KEY = 'Place your api key here'
client = willofsteel.Wrapper(API_KEY)
A quick example of using this library is to look up your profile every hour and send the results to a text file, this can be accomplished with the following:
import willofsteel
import time
API_KEY = 'Place your api key here'
client = willofsteel.Wrapper(API_KEY)
def scheduled_query():
# Querying the api for the api key holder's profile
player = client.get_player()
# Creating a file name to log the results with
timestamp = time.asctime().replace(':', '_')
# Logging results
with open(f'{timestamp}.txt', 'x', encoding='utf-8') as f:
print(f"Query made at {timestamp}")
while True: