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v1.0.14 of WInnForum test harness for SAS UUT testing

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@kate-harrison kate-harrison released this 09 Oct 18:40
· 190 commits to master since this release

This is a maintenance release to update v1.0.13 which was released on 2 October 2018. The following issues were fixed:

Issue Title Description
821 EHata: Cleanup Average terrain code for the NTIA compatibility mode. Note: no effect on the code used by test harness, this is a cleanup. The compatibility mode (option WinnforumExtension=False) replicating ITS implementation has been upgraded to latest version found in NTIA reference version (as was done in NTIA/ehata@80954b1). This has no effect on test harness which used WinnforumExtensions=True, but removes confusion when comparing the Winnforum version versus the NTIA version (like was reported recently by ITS). In some sense, it also documents precisely what variation we have now with the NTIA ref code: just the use of ceil() in this average terrain calculation (in addition of the clipping of the effective height in ExtendedHata.cpp which differs as per the spec).
820 EHata: Cleanup of the float -> double switch. Previously to avoid having the code base differing too much from the original ITS reference implementation, we defined a global #define float double in the ehata.h header file. Obviously this is very hack and can fail depending on the order of inclusion of ehata.h, or if t is forgotten in one of the cpp file. The proper way is now implemented by directly changing all float occurence with double. This is in line with the change made by ITS on their reference implementation at: NTIA/ehata@df2b580
819 EHata: Fix Fine Rolling Hill correction. When the rolling hill is below 10m, the correction should be zero. Otherwise it does not follow the EHata spec on one hand, plus it introduces some randomness and discontinuity in the correction of 2dB or 4dB when the terrain is very flat near the mobile (ie a microscopic change of altitude can cause up to 4dB variation in pathloss). This change is make to reflect the proposed change in the ITS original code base, which was integrated recently at: NTIA/ehata@b54b71f Further documentation on the root issue. See Ticket on NTIA GitHub: NTIA/ehata#7 Issue #333
817 DRG.6 remove registered CBSDs from second preload conditional data Update DRG 6 so the test doesn't send preload conditional data for registrated CBSD(not successfully deregistered CBSDs)