Firstly, create work directory in the terminal with mkdir your directory Co to work directory in the terminal with command cd your directory Please download this project in the terminal (or konsole) with . Next step you can use command yarn install or npm install, After that you can run the application with command yarn start or npm start and open address http://localhost:3000/ or http://localhost:3001/ (if you use port 3000)
How it works? You can see in the map of Kielce (city of Poland) 21 markers. You can click to each markers and you'll have some information in infowindow; If you want to sort markers, please, sort your favourite places in the Seach and after them click in the marker
This application use offline-first model (PWA) and works with ServiceWorker w offline mode.
The service worker works only with the production mode. You'll use production mode if you run yarn build or npm run build after npm install or yarn install in the terminal. after npm run build press serve -s build and visit to localhost:3000
In this project was implemented two APIs:
Any contribution is appreciated!