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Command Permissions

Command Permission Description
/noitem noitem.command.version Displays the NoItem version string
/noitem reload noitem.command.reload Reloads the configuration.

Restriction Permissions

NoItem will try and use SuperPerms before it checks Vault for permissions. Vault itself is not required and will not affect the plugins performance if it is not on the server.

Permission Example Description
noitem.admin noitem.admin Currently unimplemented as of 3.0.0
noitem.nopickup.<item>[.data] noitem.nopickup.wood.3 Stops the player from picking up an item
noitem.nodrop.<item>[.data] noitem.nodrop.wood.3 Stops the player from dropping an item
noitem.noplace.<item>[.data] noitem.noplace.wood.3 Stops the player from placing an item
noitem.nobreak.<item>[.data] noitem.nobreak.wood.3 Stops the player from breaking a block
noitem.nohold.<item>[.data] noitem.nohold.wood.3 Stops the player from holding an item
noitem.nowear.<item>[.data] noitem.nowear.diamondhelmet.* Stops the player from wearing an item
noitem.nocraft.<item>[.data] noitem.nocraft.wood.3 Stops the player from crafting an item
noitem.nobrew.<potionDV>.<ingredientID> noitem.nobrew.0.372 Stops the player from brewing a potion
noitem.nocook.<item>[.data] noitem.nocook.log.2 Stops the player from cooking/smelting an item
noitem.nohave.<item>[.data] noitem.nohave.wood.3 Stops the player from having an item
noitem.noenchant.<item>[.data] noitem.noenchant.diamondsword.* Stops the player from enchanting an item
noitem.ondeath.<keep> noitem.ondeath.keep Lets the player keep inventory items on death
noitem.nointeract.<item>[.data] noitem.nointeract.lever.* Stops the player from interacting with an item or entity
noitem.nointeract.left.<item>[.data] noitem.nointeract.left.button.* Stops the player from left clicking an item or entity
noitem.nointeract.right.<item>[.data] noitem.nointeract.right.cow Stops the player from right clicking an item or entity
noitem.nouse.<item>[.data] noitem.nouse.diamondpickaxe.* Stops the player from using a diamond pickaxe
noitem.nouse.right.<item>[.data] noitem.nouse.right.shears.* Stops the player from right clicking with shears
noitem.nouse.left.<item>[.data] noitem.nouse.left.shears.* Stops the player from left clicking with shears

Data Values Explained

What are Data Values?

A data value (DV) can best be thought of as a variation of a single item. For example, tools start with a DV of 0. The DV of that tool increases every time the tool is used, this is how Minecraft keeps track of when a tool is supposed to break. Blocks also have data values, such as Logs. If a log has a DV of 0, it is a normal wooden log, however if the DV is 1, then they are Spruce logs.

How NoItem uses Data Values

NoItem permission nodes support DVs in the form of "noitem.<type>.<item ID / Name>[.DV / \*]". Not adding a DV to a permission will assume that you are trying to block an item with the specified ID and with a DV of 0. This can cause problems when trying to block tools, as the DV of tools changes the more they are used. To block an entire tool and not just one with the DV of 0, add ".\*" to the permission node.