This project contains all the solutions to the problems in the book Learning SAS by Example: A Programmer's Guide, Second Edition. The book is written by Ron Cody. Here're the official link and the purchase links:
It's the most porper book for beginners to learn SAS by themselves. I'm also a SAS learner. There are about 10 to 20 problems in every chapter.
I've finished:
- Chapter 10: Subsetting and Combining SAS Data Sets
- Chapter 11: Working with Numeric Functions
- Chapter 12: Working with Character Functions
- Chapter 13: Working with Arrays
- Chapter 14: Displaying Your Data
- Chapter 15: Creating Customized Reports
- Chapter 16: Summarizing Your Data
- Chapter 17: Counting Frequencies
- Chapter 18: Creating Tabular Reports
- Chapter 19: Introducing the Output Delivery System
- Chapter 20: Creating Charts and Graphs
comming soon: chapter 21: Using Advanced INPUT Techniques
SAS version: 9.4
本倉庫存儲《Learning SAS by Example: A Programmer's Guide, Second Edition》的所有習題解答。此書由 Ron Cody 寫就。以下列出官方和亞馬孫的購買鏈接:
這本書是 SAS 入門者的不二之選。本人也正在學習 SAS。此書每章之後有 10 到 20 道不等的課後題目。
- 章節 10:取集和合併 SAS 數據集
- 章節 11:數字函數
- 章節 12:字符串函數
- 章節 13:操縱數組
- 章節 14:展示數據
- 章節 15:創建自定義報告
- 章節 16:總結數據
- 章節 17:頻率統計
- 章節 18:創建表格報告
- 章節 19:ODS 系統介紹
- 章節 20:創建圖表
即將完成:章節 21:使用進階 INPUT 語句技巧
SAS 軟件版本:9.4