A small collaborative project between the users in the Unofficial Godot Discord server to provide useful snippets to beginners.
Each snippet is its own project, able to run on its own, or can be explored through the "snippet explorer" which is at the root. The snippet explorer also shows the source of the project, and allows for easy copy-pasting.
The project itself is somewhat of a demonstration of background loading and structure. Having nested config.cfg is really not advised in general, but apart from that, the project can be used as a model to build the core game node
Instructions on how to contribute snippets are in ./examples.
The project aims to build little snippets that will allow to create a template for games.
Snippets to come should include:
- [] Intro animation
- [] Menu System:
- [] Key re-binding
- [] save files management
- [] resizing interface
- [] level choice
- [] pausing the game
- [] Levels
- [] 2 levels, no tilemaps, no collision (there are a million examples of that)
- [] global state for levels completion
- [] health system
- [] animations system
- [] blink
- [] screen shake
- [] stretching game on different resolutions