RUDHIRAM is a Next.js Progressive Web App (PWA) designed to facilitate blood donation and requests. The app connects donors with those in need and provides information about blood camps.
- REQUEST: For submitting blood donation requests
- BLOOD CAMP: Information on blood donation camps
- Recent Requests: Displays recent blood donation needs (blood types and units required)
Bottom navigation bar with options:
Allows users to submit requests with details:
- Name
- Blood Group
- Number of Units
- Age
- Gender
- Hospital Name
- Bystander
- Phone Number
Displays user information:
- Name
- Age
- Blood Group
- Weight
- Log Out option
- Real-time blood request updates
- Certificate download functionality for NSS (National Service Scheme) organization
- Built using Next.js
- Implements Progressive Web App (PWA) features
The app aims to streamline the process of blood donation by providing a user-friendly interface for both donors and recipients.