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KonfrareAlbert edited this page Nov 19, 2016 · 69 revisions


Set a language for OSMbot

Please see the /settings - Configure OSMbot page on this wiki.

How to add a new language

  1. Login in Transifex and type in box search «OSMbot», or follow this link to the page project: .
  2. Request the language: Select option «Languages» on left menu and then click the button «Request language».
  3. Select the language in the list of available languages and click on «Request» button.

Now, team managers of project in Transifex will accept your request, and send you a invitation to join to the language translators team.

  • Begin the translation: Go to «Languages» on left menu, select your language, click on «osmbot.pot» and then on «Translate» button. That's all.

  • IMPORTANT: You can translate words in < > like <search_term>. But it's very important don't translate commands: words that begin with /, like /search, /map, /settings, /nearest, etc.

  • Make a pull request with new/updated language, see how to on «Add/update language» (for developers).

Use of strings

State of translations

Languages with icon ✔️ , now are working on @OSMbot (last update: 11/19/16). You can view languages that work now (in the code).

Germanic Romance Slavic Other
🔟 English🔧 ✔️ 9️⃣ Asturian ✔️ 🔟 Czech ✔️ 🔟 Chinese (CN) ✔️
9️⃣ Dutch ✔️ 🔟 Catalan ✔️ 🔟 Polish ✔️ 🔟 Chinese (HK) ✔️
🔟 Swedish ✔️ 🔟 Cat. (Valencian) ✔️ 🔟 Russian ✔️ 🔟 Chinese (TW) ✔️
9️⃣ German ✔️ 🔟 Italian ✔️ 🔟 Slovak ✔️ 🔟 Hungarian ✔️
0️⃣ Danish 🔟 Portuguese ✔️ 🔟 Ukrainian ✔️ 9️⃣ Japanese ✔️
🔟 Spanish ✔️ 🔟 Persian (IR)‼️⬅️ ✔️
9️⃣ French ✔️ 9️⃣ Vietnamese ✔️
🔟 Galician ✔️ 8️⃣ Basque ✔️
8️⃣ Portuguese (BR) 2️⃣ Kannada
0️⃣ Spanish (LA) 2️⃣ Esperanto
0️⃣ Arabic ⬅️
0️⃣ Acoli
0️⃣ Albanian
0️⃣ Finnish
0️⃣ Greek
0️⃣ Indonesian
0️⃣ Khmer
0️⃣ Korean
0️⃣ Malayalam
0️⃣ Tamil
0️⃣ Uzbek

Legend for languages table

  • 🔧 : source language
  • ✔️ : languages working on OSMbot
  • ⬅️ : RTL languages
  • ‼️ : Fixing RTL problems

Progress bars

Greater than 80%
Can be added
on OSMbot
In progress,
need work
Less than 40%
Can be removed
from Transifex
100% - 🔟 70% - 7️⃣ 30% - 3️⃣
90% - 9️⃣ 60% - 6️⃣ 20% - 2️⃣
80% - 8️⃣ 50% - 5️⃣ 10% - 1️⃣
40% - 4️⃣ 0% - 0️⃣

How we fix RTL problems in code