This project is aimed at reconstruct 3D scene through 8 views of a certain scene. There are several classes in the project for different functions:
Class Headers: ----Calibration.h //Camera calibration using 20 input images of chessboard images taken by the same camera as the input images
----SURFMatch.h //Detect keypoints using SURF detector, track points using optical flow and match points by FlannBasedMatcher
----EstimateCameraPose.h //Estimate camera pose and generate 3D points
----ProjectPoints.h //Project 3D points to 2D and show the reprojection difference with the original 2D points
----DenseReconstruction.h //Draw disparity map from every two views
----DrawPointCloud.h //Generate 3D point cloud with PCL library
----Utils.h //some global functions such as load and store YML files
SBA: This project takes use of cvsba library, which can be found in the following link:
To use the library, you might have to install BLAS and LAPACK, which may require MinGW. Below is a tutorial:
Note that to run this project you have to modify the import path of the libraries and property sheets.