A collection of papers in fairness of medical image analysis
For more details, please refer to our recent survey on fairness in medical image analysis
Notes: We may miss some relevant papers in the list. If you have any suggestions or would like to add some papers, please submit a pull request or email me at [email protected]. Your contribution is much appreciated!
- Fairness-related performance and explainability effects in deep learning models for brain image analysis.JMI, 2022. (paper)
- How fair is your graph? exploring fairness concerns in neuroimaging studies. ML4HC, 2022. (paper)
- Underdiagnosis bias of artificial intelligence algorithms applied to chest radiographs in under-served patient populations. Nature medicine,2021. (paper)
- Fairness in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging: assessing sex and racial bias in deep learning-based segmentation. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2022. (paper)
- Gender imbalance in medical imaging datasets produces biased classifiers for computer-aided diagnosis. PNAS, 2020. (paper)
- Algorithmic encoding of protected characteristics and its implications on disparities across subgroups. ArXiv, 2021. (paper)
- Feature robustness and sex differences in medical imaging: a case study in mri-based alzheimer’s disease detection. ArXiv, 2022. (paper)
- Fairness of classifiers across skin tones in dermatology. MICCAI, 2020. (paper)
- Improving the Fairness of Chest X-ray Classifiers. PCHIL, 2022. (paper)
- Medfair: Benchmarking fairness for medical imaging. ICLR, 2023. (paper, code)
- Detecting Melanoma Fairly: Skin Tone Detection and Debiasing for Skin Lesion Classification. MICCAI-DART, 2021. (paper, code)
- Evaluating subgroup disparity using epistemic uncertainty in mammography. ArXiv, 2021. (paper)
- Model selection’s disparate impact in real-world deep learning applications. ArXiv, 2021. (paper)
- Harvard Glaucoma Fairness: A Retinal Nerve Disease Dataset for Fairness Learning and Fair Identity Normalization. ArXiv, 2023. (paper, code, dataset)
- Fairness in cardiac MR image analysis: An investigation of bias due to data imbalance in deep learning based segmentation. MICCAI, 2021. (paper)
- Detecting and preventing shortcut learning for fair medical ai using shortcut testing (short). ArXiv, 2022. (paper)
- AI fairness via domain adaptation. ArXiv, 2021. (paper)
- CIRCLe: Color Invariant Representation Learning for Unbiased Classification of Skin Lesions. ECCV-ISIC Workshop, 2022. (paper, code)
- CheXclusion: Fairness gaps in deep chest X-ray classifiers. Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium, 2021. (paper)
- Radfusion: Benchmarking performance and fairness for multimodal pulmonary embolism detection from ct and ehr. ArXiv, 2021. (paper)
- Improving fairness in image classification via sketching. NeurIPS Workshop, 2022. (paper, code)
- Fairness of classifiers across skin tones in dermatology. MICCAI, 2020. (paper)
Training confounder-free deep learning models for medical applications. Nat. Com, 2020. (paper)
- Representation learning with statistical independence to mitigate bias. WACV, 2021. (paper)
- Risk of training diagnostic algorithms on data with demographic bias. IAELMIC, 2020. Springer (paper)
- Estimating and improving fairness with adversarial learning. ArXiv, 2021. (paper)
- Technical challenges for training fair neural networks. ArXiv, 2021. (paper)
- On the fairness of privacy-preserving representations in medical applications. MICCAI-DART, 2020. (paper)
- On fairness of medical image classification with multiple sensitive attributes via learning orthogonal representations. IPMI, 2023. (paper)
- CIRCLe: Color Invariant Representation Learning for Unbiased Classification of Skin Lesions. ECCV-ISIC Workshop, 2022. (paper, code)
- FairDisCo: Fairer AI in Dermatology via Disentanglement Contrastive Learning. ECCVW, 2022. (paper, code)
- FairAdaBN: Mitigating unfairness with adaptive batch normalization and its application to dermatological disease classification. ArXiv, 2023. (paper)
- On the fairness of swarm learning in skin lesion classification. MICCAI Workshop, 2021. (paper)
- Fairprune: Achieving fairness through pruning for dermatological disease diagnosis. MICCAI, 2022. (paper)
- Debiasing Deep Chest X-Ray Classifiers using Intra- and Post-processing Methods. ML4HC, 2022. (paper, code)